Astounding facts about the average Hungarian

The billions shown in aggregated tables are sometimes hard to understand regarding a household or a person, so’s editorial blog, Buksza collected the most important data you need to know about an average Hungarian based on official rates.

The average Hungarian:

  • is in his/her 40s,
  • has an average income of net 180 thousand forints (~EUR 577),
  • has a home worth 13-14 million forints (~EUR 41.677-44.883),
  • if he/she has a car, its value is around 1.1 million forints (~EUR 3527),
  • there are almost two phones, more than one coloured television and at least one washing machine is an average family, but air conditioners and dryers are rarities.

Incomes et. al

The average gross income in Hungary was 274 thousand forints (~EUR 878) in January, and the net income – without family allowance – was around 182 thousand (~EUR 583). So based on average rates, employees get the 2/3 of their gross salary. Considering family allowance, the average net income of people without kids is 172 thousand forints (~EUR 551). The rate is 179 thousand (~EUR 573) in the case of people with one kid, 203 thousand (~EUR 650) if you have two kids and 223 thousand (~EUR 715) if you have 3 or more kids.

Beyond average income, there are huge differences in different sectors. The financial sector has been one of the best paying spheres for years, the average gross income is 525 thousand (~EUR 1683) there. According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, the health care and social sector is the most ill-paid with gross 172 thousand (~EUR 551).

Besides sectors, there are also great differences between different regions. The net salaries are the lowest in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, the average was 120 thousand (~EUR 384) last year. On the other hand, the average net income was 182 thousand (~EUR 583) in Győr and 226 thousand forints (~EUR 725) in Budapest.

One person receives 2.8 million forints (~EUR 8,977) from industrial production. From this point of view Komárom-Esztergom and Győr-Moson-Sopron Counties are in the lead with an industrial production/person of 8 million (~EUR 25,648). The result was the worst in Baranya County with 1.08 million (~EUR 3,462). This latter list only shows the production/person rate which doesn’t necessarily mean that a certain county is less strong economically. For instance, Budapest is among the best in several economic indicators, but this rate is only 1.65 million (~EUR 5,290) there.

Home, car, valuables and asset

The biggest asset of Hungarian households and people is their residence. They are worth 11.3 million forints (~EUR 36,228) and are 80 m2 big. Just like in the case of incomes, there are significant differences in prices by region: the average estate value is 18.2 million (~EUR 58,349) in Budapest, while it is 11.4 million (~EUR 36,548) in cities of county rights. The average is 10.7 (~EUR 34,304) in smaller cities and 10 (~EUR 32,060) in villages. However, it must be added that even though these rates were published in 2017, they are based on 2014 data. Since then, estate prices have increased significantly. If we count with the general rise, the average 11.3 million value should be around 13-14 million today (~EUR 41.677-44.883).

80% of households have one car, 17.2% have two cars, while only 3% have three or more. The value of these cars is around 1.1 million forints (~EUR 3,526). Only every 20th household had any kind of significant asset. The average worth of valuables is 1.8 million forints (~EUR 5,770). The fortune of households is influenced by the number of kids: the average fortune of people without children is 7.9 million (~EUR 25,327), while it is 4.9 million (~EUR 15,709) in the case of children.

Out of durable consumer goods households are most supplied with mobile phones, but air conditioners and dryers count as rarities.

The age and family status of an average Hungarian

Currently the life expectancy of Hungarian men is 72.1 years, while it is 78.6 years in the case of Hungarian women. The average age is 40 and 44 in the same order.

On average, more than one kid lives in one family, because 107 children fall on 100 families.


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