Budapest could go bankrupt because of the unfinished biodome – PHOTOS

The capital cannot complete the biodome without further government involvement. However, Budapest could go bankrupt if the state reclaims the tens of billions of forints it gave for the half-finished biodome.


The biodome has been a source of continuous debate between the Hungarian government and the capital in recent years. Construction started in August 2017. Originally planned to cost HUF 12 billion (EUR 31.7 million), the project had already increased fivefold by February 2020, for which the government blamed the director of the zoo. The capital has no money to complete the biodome, so it wanted to hand the whole project over to the government. By February this year, the government still did not give an answer to the proposition.

What will be the future of the biodome?

biodome budapest
Visual plans on

A hearing on the zoo biodome was held this week. Not even half of those invited attended the meeting. Miklós Persányi, the former director of the zoo and the project’s founding father, and Sándor Scheer, the CEO of Market Építő Zrt., did not show up. The experts present (public procurement consultants and technical inspectors) all said that they were not in a position to make decisions and that they had always acted in accordance with the client’s wishes.

According to Népszava,

even though the building was completed within the HUF 45 billion (EUR 119 million) budget finally granted by the government, there are still a huge number of things that would need even more money.

biodome budapest
Visual plans on

The furnishing, the introduction of plants and animals, the construction of the access system, the restaurant and other service facilities are all still to be completed. For this, less than HUF 6 billion (EUR 15.8 million) of state funding remain. Instead of living creatures, this money could at best be spent on painted palm trees and sharks.

“This was a complete preparatory material with licensing plans, economic calculations for construction, operation, and return on investment,”

said László Kozó, the former operational director of the Budapest Zoo. According to him, the building is ready, it just needs to be filled.

biodome budapest
Visual plans on

As we can read in’s article, the biodome cannot be completed by the capital without further public involvement. However, it cannot be demolished or used for any other purpose either. In addition, the half-finished project could even bankrupt the capital city if the new government reclaims the €38 billion spent by the state on the project at the end of June when the contract expires.



  1. The only things that could be built from beginning to end in Hungary without disturbing :football stadiums and brothels…. Forget metro lines or whatever

  2. Ha!Ha! Ha!

    I knew you wouldn’t be brave enough to publish my response!

    You have an excuse because I used S***Hole!

    However you have my authority to edit it out. So does that change anything? No probably not.

    Maybe You have chief national liar Zoltan Kovacs breathing down your neck? Anyway J’accuse… You’re cowards! (Btw that’s French! You are isolated by your language – and your strange stilted English!)

  3. BTW

    I know a few Hungarians here in London and they see that you won’t publish certain contributions.

    If you are critical – it’s only gentle negativity. Orban must love you – but London Hungarians don’t!

    They just know if they post anything on here indicating half of how they feel, you wouldn’t publish it. So they don’t bother.

    You know how to self-censor without Orban telling you! Bravo!

  4. Hungary is a member of a club that betrays its colleagues. The equivalent of allowing a neighbour to rape other members under the pretence of asking to borrow a cup of sugar. Hungarians will vote any dictator if they can have cheap energy or a sack of potatoes for their vote. Do they understand democracy? No. They’ve only relatively emerged from USSR imposed communism – but they still love Putin. A sort of naïve Stockholm syndrome. Happy to have Mezaros own all the print media – and the government to own – via strohmenn – their TV media. If you visit Hungary don’t mention the war! Any war. Hungary are pathological losers and are losing again with Putin. It was Orban who stopped Ukraine from joining the EU or NATO – and they’re still at it with embargoes stooping supplies passing through. No wonder Hungary is a s***hole. Many of the diaspora in London are ashamed to admit to being Hungarian – yes really. Go to Hungary and watch from a distance, the Zombies who vote Fidesz. Listen to their justification for Orban – who kisses old women’s hands like a creep. But don’t let them bite you – or you’ll end up being a Zombie. Hungary occupies too much of this wonderful planet with the beautiful Danube coursing through it. Look on the bright side – it would be bigger if not for Trianon! One day Hungary will be restored but will forever suffer from the rich oldies who keep Orban in power, while the young leave. But look on the bright side here too – Hungary’s third world health system gives up on people over the age of 65! So only a couple of generations for the Zombies to work their way through!
    What a sad country. Anyone want a house for a few cabbages?

  5. Dear Readers

    The above two posts from me are as a result of my original post which DailyNewsHungary refuse to publish.

    But they publish the above which don’t allow you to see them in context, dear reader. Apologies if you are confused.

    This censorship is because they know Orban’s wishes.

    Did you know that Hungarian-speaking nationals of the surrounding border countries can apply for a postal vote – having never paid taxes or lived in Hungary? (But who can collect a pension never having made contributions? True Hungarian’s money) – and where opposition votes will strangely end up on a bonfire?

    But in London, where they are working, they have to get up at 5am to vote before work, like a nurse for example. Orban knows that the younger Hungarians of London are less likely to vote Fidesz! And the people who ‘administer’ the poll stations in London are FideszFideszFidesz and will disqualify any voter for the silliest/slightest of reasons.

    The OSCE warned the world of Orban’s voting mechanism – but Hungarians needed to heed it. There’s none so blind as those who will not see.

  6. My last try!

    Dear Daily News Hungary

    My Hungarian partner lives in London and would be willing to write for your newspaper ‘A Letter From London’.

    It would be an occasional contribution based on whether she has something interesting to say not a regular deadline contribution.

    She is actually a nurse working for a well known London hospital and is actually a polymath.

    She gained a first class honours degree at a well known university – in London – as a mature student – after being a national karate champion in Hungary. Between nursing shifts she films a dance troupe – and dances

    There’s more but it would be too long.

    Yes she is disgusted with Hungary and has become a naturalised British citizen – which I’m sure you know takes some determination. So she holds dual nationality.

    But she would contribute to your publication from an interesting perspective.

    You can use my email if you wish to reply – which I doubt!



  7. @CharlieCharlie

    OMG. Get over yourself. The website probably deleted your comments because you are ranting like a crazy person, flooding the discussion with irrelevant comments. HÜLYE.

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