Budapest repurchases historic Rác baths
Budapest metropolitan council’s spas company has made a successful bid to repurchase properties housing the city’s historic Rác Baths, the council said in a statement on Monday.
Returning the thermal baths to the city “in their full glory after over a decade of lying in waste” has been a priority of the city’s leaders since entering office in 2019, the statement added.
In March, a non-profit set up to handle the disposal of the property invited a public auction for the historic baths and 67-room hotel adjoining it.
The starting price was 5 billion forints (EUR 14.3m) and a deposit of 254.4 million forints had to be raised by all bidders.
The state has 30 days to exercise its pre-emption right, but otherwise metropolitan council’s spas company, BGYH, will start planning the property’s renovation.
Source: MTI
According to Comrade Commissar Karácsony, Budapest municipal council is virtually bankrupt.
However, it has plenty of money to pay the cost of FORTY (40) “advisors” for this total ignoramus (who apparently never even ‘matriculated’ from high school !) AND also several million EUROS to purchase /
renovate a hotel and thermal baths.
But wait – there’s more to come !
Let’s not forget his ‘pet projects’ of an illuminated / air-conditioned bicycle path joining Budapest with Vienna AND covering as much of Budapest as possible with weeds to ‘save the bees of Europe’.
Perhaps dear Comrade needs time in a psychiatric institution to complete his PhD thesis.