Can the fourth wave of the coronavirus hit Hungary?

It has been officially announced that the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic has ended in Hungary. However, several government and expert statements suggest that we need to prepare for a fourth wave.

The operative board announced that the strongest third wave of epidemics ever seen here has ended after four months.  This is particularly good news considering summertime and the European Football Championship. At the same time, more and more warnings can be heard. With the help of we try to present what is expected in the future.

According to PM Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian government is prepared for the fourth wave as well.

In addition to Orbán, several experts also warn. According to virologist Miklós Rusvai and infectiologist János Szlávik, the third wave is over, but the coronavirus has not completely disappeared yet, writes há An expert highlighted that the coronavirus is seasonal. This means that its incidence shows a fluctuating pattern without external measures, so it is sometimes more intense. On the other hand, the rector of Semmelweis University, Béla Merkely, thinks 

“where vaccination is as high as in Hungary, there will be no fourth wave.”

The formation of the fourth wave is likely for two reasons. Because the virus is seasonal, it is expected to intensify in the fall and winter when we spend more time indoors. Another important aspect is that the virus adapts, and several dangerous mutations may appear, as they have appeared before.

The formation of the fourth wave depends largely on the activities of the state. With proper preparation, information and protection, the risk of a fourth wave can be reduced. Hungary is making good progress in vaccinating the population, but this momentum needs to be maintained. It is also questionable how long vaccines are effective. Experts say a third dose may be necessary for the event of a new wave.

The case of Britain, Chile, Bahrain or Seychelles may be alarming, where the Indian variant has set off a new wave even with a relatively high vaccination rate.

Source:, há

One comment

  1. Can the fourth wave of the coronavirus hit Hungary?
    will we be hit by a crazy Biden,, NUKE

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