Could Monday morning’s protests paralyse Budapest traffic?

The Hungarian government has introduced changes to the KATA tax. As a consequence, a number of demonstrations and protests have been launched in Budapest. During the demonstrations, thousands of people paralysed traffic in parts of the city, closing bridges and roads. This is expected to happen again on Monday morning.
Another demonstration
The amendment to the KATA tax law is a sore point for many in Hungary. Since the amendment, demonstrations have been organised every day in Budapest. These small and large demonstrations have paralysed traffic in the Hungarian capital, with protesters occupying major bridges and junctions to raise awareness.
The demonstrations so far have usually started in the late afternoon or early evening. This has been less disruptive for traffic, as there are fewer people on the roads in the evening. However, the next planned demonstration is scheduled for Monday morning at 7 AM. The demonstration will take place on Margaret Bridge.
Bikers at the head of the demonstration
It is not only the date of the demonstration that differs from the previous one, but also the identity of the organiser. Now, it is not politicians or political parties who are behind the demonstration, but food couriers.
The Facebook event reveals that the protest is being organised for Monday morning at 7 AM at Margaret Bridge. The food trucks organising the demonstration have already closed the Margaret Bridge once, early Tuesday afternoon, on the day the amendment was passed. This time, however, they are not only protesting against the KATA tax amendment, but also for realistic overhead prices.
“Enough street parties, enough festivals, enough influencer politicians! It’s time for the PEOPLE to finally take its fate into its own hands and protest when and where it really hurts OrbĂ¡n and the government,” the organisers wrote in a post.
As they say, the demonstrations so far have been just warm-ups. Now the real resistance begins. The food couriers believe that Viktor OrbĂ¡n has crossed a line and they cannot tolerate it. They will not stop until they get what they want, says
Monday morning at 7 AM is critical for traffic.
Because of this, if one junction is successfully occupied, it could have serious consequences for traffic in the entire Hungarian capital.
Source:, Facebook
“People to finally take its FATE – into there Own Hands and REALLY Hurt – and Protest when and where it REALLY hurts Orban and the Government”.
We know – ORBAN – look at what he has DONE – to the IMAGE & Reputation of Hungary – with the European Union.
We know – he is LIKENED to a “junk yard dog” in his STYLE as a Politican.
We know – he would rather a “fight than a feed” – placing that expression into the Political arena.
We KNOW this KATA tax is WRONG – “veiled” under another agenda by this present Hungarian Government.
We know the widespread DAMAGE & RAMIFICATIONS – the immediate IMPACT – this Tax – will PLACE on millions of Hungarians.
We know – it will FORCE widespread business and “other” closures within our Citizens Lives.
We know – it will IMPACT – on our already diminishing – Quality of Life.
We know – behind the IDOCY – factual reasons for the Government to pass/introduce this Law – the FACT, that this present Government – led by the Leader of the Fidesz Party – the current Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban – he they – have DRIVEN the Economy of Hungary – broadsheet – into a state of CHAOS – descending deeper – into a Black Hole.
We know – its a Revenue – the grabbing of taxes – from business/citizens and “other” – for the Government, their NEED of Government revenue.
Forints – doing well ///
Infalation is doing well at 20% & rising.
Interest Rates – looking muchly like 10% – by Christmas.
Carnage growing in the Property Market ?
The list of EXAMPLES – the wrongness in decision that continue to come out of the Victor Orban led Government, that are HURTING – in cases Destroying – the Hearts & Souls – of millions of Hungarians – is APPALLING.
Democracy – gives the RIGHT for Citizens to ORDERLY protest.
We MUST not be the AGGRESSORS – give reason to be accussed of being the AGGRESSORS.
We DEMONSTRATE – using the RIGHT under Democracy – peoples/citizens RIGHTS – and WE conduct ourselves in an ORDERLY styled agenda – throughout Europe & the Global World – we will be supported & applauded.
Hungary – we are living in a country – that has an AGGRESIVE styled Government, that is DICTATORIAL.
Europe – the EU know that – Great Britain & America – KNOW that.
Orderly – we MUST ensure is our PLATFORM – to be Heard, Lisened to & Respected.