CPAC Hungary 2024: Budapest to host conservative gathering with Orbán as key speaker

Hungary’s Center for Fundamental Rights will organise the fourth Conservative Political Action Conference in Budapest (CPAC Hungary) on 29-30 May, the organisation’s director said on Thursday.

“We will show [the world] that the era of patriots has come,” Miklós Szánthó told a press conference, noting that they have invited Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to be the event’s keynote speaker.

“CPAC Hungary is about nothing else than standing up for the genuine, original West,” he said.

Szánthó said “the biggest developments” of the past year had been the alliance of the patriots in Europe spearheaded by the Hungarian right and the Republican Party’s “landslide victory” in the US presidential election with Donald Trump. “Pro-peace, sovereigntist, freedom-loving forces are on their way to forming a majority step-by-step,” Szánthó said, adding that “our joint task is to make the West great again.”

About CPAC 2024:


  1. Yes please, invite trump, netanyahu and also putin, such an amazing patriotic team. Oh i forgot elon musk with his Roman salute

  2. People who work according to the mandate of their voters rather than diktats of the globalist-socialist-fascist cabal. Honor and glory be!

  3. Interesting how you should use the term “diktat /dĭk-tät′/ – noun

    1. A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.
    2. An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.
    3. A harsh penalty or settlement imposed upon a defeated party by the victor.

    Today, diktat can be used as a critical term for even minor regulations felt to be unfair or authoritarian.”

    So – honor and glory to … King Trump? King … Lukashenko? King … Putin? King … Orbán? And I am sure they would all love to be King. Ideally hereditary – be done with stupid elections.

    Actions, ranging from quiet to total dismantling of the checks and balances of state, flouting of the rule of law (because the law is “unfair!”. A politician should be able act as they deem fit to serve the “Mandate of the People!”? Ruling by decree, that sort of thing?

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