Fidesz asks Brussels to stop financing the war in Ukraine

Rather than continuing to finance the war and expand the power of the Brussels bureaucracy, the 2025 European Union budget should promote peace, sovereignty and the interests of Europeans, families and nations, the MEPs of ruling Fidesz said in a statement on Thursday.

Tamás Deutsch, the head of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat delegation, has submitted a comprehensive amendment proposal regarding the 2025 budget in the name of his Hungarian ruling-party delegation and the Patriots for Europe party group, the MEPs said in a statement.

Fidesz MEP Deutsch: This is a flawed budget

fidesz mep tamás deutsch
Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch. Photo: MTI/Purger Tamás

In its draft EU budget for 2025, the European Commission plans to commit 199.7 billion euros, pay out 152.7 billion, and borrow 71.8 billion, the statement said. Deutsch called for “fundamental changes to the deeply flawed budget”. “Rather than promoting illegal migration, the budget should support border protection, finally protect Europe and the Europeans, and take help to where help is needed,” he said.

The group’s MEPs have called for border protection costs to be raised by 2 billion euros, and have proposed earmarking funding to cover the expenses Hungary has incurred protecting the border, the statement said. The “absurd” fine imposed on Hungary “for stopping migrants at the border” should also be deducted from that sum, they added.

It was time that the EU’s budget supported national sovereignty rather than “institutionalised political blackmail, rule-of-law jihad and gender and woke madness … while generously financing the Soros network”, Deutsch said. “We have proposed significantly cutting monies enabling the ideological blackmail of member states by 170 million euros,” he said.

The Fidesz MEP also called for a budget aimed at “bringing home the development, Erasmus and R+D funding Hungary is entitled to, instead of further exploiting the country. We propose raising cohesion funding by 10 percent, or 2.8 billion euros, and freezing 5 percent of the frameworks, some 1.5 billion euros, to ensure that the monies Hungary is entitled to is not used for other purposes or in other countries.”

The delegation also proposed raising funding for the Erasmus programme by 23 million and R+D funding by 700 million euros, he said. “We also proposed freezing some 100 million euros to ensure that Hungary’s monies are not spent elsewhere,” he said. Funding for the integration of the Western Balkans should be raised, as well as resources for young farmers and beekeepers, he said.

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  1. Ah. Hungary is “entitled”. Not a core, constructively contributing Member, a TAKER, however an “Entitled” one.

    Oh, and you should also fund some of our BFFs! No “please”? Of course not. We are Entitled! Sovereign!

    #allgainnopain – “pay your own way” is for losers.

  2. Hmmmmm. Interesting that “Sovereignty” is so important to Fidesz that they would make it part of their proposed EU budget amendment. Of course, they cannot simply issue decrees at the EU like they do at home; and as they did with the so-called “Sovereignty Law” and overweight government department that sustains it. The EU must respect “sovereignty”, but apparently only Hungary’s; not its neighbors, like Ukraine. I just wonder what part of Fidesz’s idea of “sovereignty” is demanding that others respect yours, and then proactively undermine theirs. Their take on the Russian multilation of Ukraine is obvious, but also the ink was scarcely dry on Fidesz’s “Sovereignty” decree when our Prime Minister and Foreign Minister hopped a plane to Mar-a-Logo to pay their own special homage to American “sovereignty” by meddling in the US presidential election.

    I’m not a politician. but I realize the gravity of the situation our leadership has put themselves into. Oppose the EU and virtually everything the EU does and you will be shunned, disenfranchised, and deprived of benefits. Back stab Putin, and you have a whole different set of problems. I suspect that Fidesz might want to try another approach with the EU. It might even free up some of those billions of Euros that they claim Hungary is “entitled” to.

  3. Hungary’s behaviour never ceases to amaze me in that it’s a country that in CONDUCT of it-self acts out plays out that it’s CLEANSED of any WRONG doings.
    Hungary, the response ALWAYS out of the MOUTH’s of the Heinous Fidesz Government of Hungary, under it’s Prime Minister – Victor Orban, the portraying of a position always taken of the “High Moral Ground” never with “Hidden” agendas, transparent with Facts & Truth – how could Orban – the Fidesz Government of Hungary, the “Moral” wrongfulness to question or Challenge them on any matter or subject.
    Victor Orban – his Fidesz Government – the entire membership of Fidesz – they, believe they Lie Straight in Bed each night and have NO right by “others” to be QUESTIONED.
    That’s the JOKE, the humongous LAUGH of the Day.
    Honesty, Truthfulness, Candour – the ADMISSION of Wrongfulness – their inability to find a “middle ground” position of win/win – the constant “veiling” of Facts & Truth – the honesty required in disclosure exhibiting making transparent Facts & Truth – the Orban – Fidesz Party is a GARGANTUAN failure.
    WHAT continues ON and on in Hungary is the GROWING evidence – besides the absolute STUFF up, to cataclysmic proportion the Orban – Fidesz Government, especially the “Dud” embarrassment incompetent Minister of Finance – Mihaly Varga – have DELIVERED the Economy of Finance that see’s us FIGHTING for our survival, but that this Orban – Fidesz Government continue on, with there LIES and DECEPTION – removed of Facts and TRUTH – just ongoing LYING – the fabrication of Truth & Fact(s) – to the citizens, the people of Hungary.
    Has NOT TOLERENCE with the citizens / population of Hungary – has it not EXPIRED with ALL they have over 14 years bought to “bear” upon us, by the Orban – Government, this present worsening place of our country not just IMPLODING but in CHAOS, hasn’t our TOLERENCE run out – EXPIRED to take drastic population measures in SOLIDARITY to cease the actions of this Orban – Fidesz Government ???
    It’s TIME or ELSE.

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