Horrific hit-and-run: video of a woman being hit on the pavement
The driver of a car lost control of the vehicle on Friday evening in Budapest and then ran onto the footpath, hitting a pedestrian.
The incident happened on Üllői Street, and security camera footage obtained by RTL Híradó shows that the driver of the BMW tried to take the bend with too much acceleration, leading to the accident.
The inexperienced driver presumably panicked when the rear of the car skidded and jerked the steering wheel. The car drove up onto the pavement, where it overturned several bicycles and scooters and then hit a woman.
Miraculously, the pedestrian suffered only minor injuries in the accident.
More and more accidents in the capital
On Tuesday, 14 March, a motorist drove into a crowd at the intersection of Hungária Boulevard and Kerepesi Street, causing minor injuries to two people.
And in February, a fatal accident was caused by a drunk Italian driver in Harmickettesek Square. A car hit a 23-year-old woman waiting at a tram stop, who died of her injuries.
Can you give more details?? At what time this happened and if police need info to catch this gypsy driving and old BMW? There are so many gypsies driving on the streets of Budapest that normal people have to be very careful.
Dear Rokoko, once we receive more information, we’ll publish it asap. Thanks for reading us!
@Rokoko, well, looks like Friday evening at a time when people and cars are out at this place (cross checking the video and few picture ) Kinai Bufe
06 30 916 6785
on the other assumptions in your comment, I would pay attention to such statements as anyone might have been the driver.