Defendants of the brutal Antifa attack may receive many years in the Hungarian court

A year ago, a series of brutal and ambush-like attacks took place that sparked a huge public outcry. The perpetrators of the scandalous “Antifa attacks” have been brought to justice and prospects for a favourable outcome seem unlikely.

Between the 9th and 11th of February last year, five assaults occurred in Budapest, resulting in injuries to a total of nine people. The initial attack transpired at Nyugati Railway Station on a train, followed by the second at Fővám Square, the third and fourth at Gazdagréti Square and Bank Street on the 10th of February, and the fifth on Mikó Street in the 1st district on the 11th of February. Victims comprised both Hungarian and foreign nationals, with six sustaining serious injuries, three suffering minor injuries and several facing potentially life-threatening harm.

As per the indictment, the wrongdoers were affiliated with a group of young adults sympathetic to extreme left-wing ideology. In addition to partaking in demonstrations and rallies, they plotted violent assaults against the militant National Socialist and fascist extreme right-wing. Their objective was to assault chosen victims through various means capable of endangering lives, aiming to subject them to the humiliation of severe, life-threatening injuries and the psychological distress of unexpected attacks, to a degree of psychological anguish that would send a message of deterrence to the representatives of extreme right-wing movements. Strength training sessions were conducted for members, during which the precise execution of the assaults was rehearsed.

Police arrest


A well-coordinated antifascist action was captured on video, depicting a man being surrounded by a group who used a viper to nearly beat him to death on the ground.

Watch the video here, where German antifascists attacked and nearly killed a man on the streets of Budapest – VIDEOS

The trial

On Monday, only three gang members were brought to the Metropolitan Court, with the Budapest Chief Prosecutor’s Office seeking European and international arrest warrants for 14 others (2 Italians, 1 Albanian, 1 Syrian and 10 German citizens). The organisation’s leaders and closely associated members face charges in Germany for attacks committed between October 2018 and February 2020.

According to Blikk, the Budapest Chief Prosecutor’s Office charged the Italian woman with attempted assault causing bodily harm in a criminal organisation, while the German man and woman face charges of participating in a criminal organisation. Two arrived in handcuffs from prison, and the German woman remains at large. The courtroom was filled with Italians and Germans, listening to proceedings translated by interpreters. Only the first defendant, Salis Ilaria, contributed in a recognisable manner. The prosecution urged an 11-year sentence if she confessed, while the others face three and a half years in prison.

I did not commit these crimes, I do not accept what I am accused of,”

said Salis Ilaria, joined by the third defendant.

The German man admitted his crimes.

I apologise, I apologise to the court and the prosecution. I plead guilty and waive my right to trial. Everything happened as stated in the indictment,”

he explained.

The court accepted the second defendant’s guilty plea and waiver of trial rights. A verdict is imminent.



  1. Salis assaulted an innocent man as documented in thr video below by the police. Now her little friends post on this site try to name call us “fascists” and demand her freedom – when she was the one who did the crime.

    Here’s the video of Salis and her “antifa” mob attacking an innocent man on the streets of Budapest – whose only crime was wearing camo.

    I have no sympathy for terrorists. Lock her up and throw away the key. I support the Hungarians against the physical, verbal, and cultural assault against their people.

  2. Criminals belong in jail. All citizens should be able to walk safely the streets without maniacs attacking them.

  3. Great that for once the radical left terrorists are locked up! Happens way too rarely in Italy…

  4. To the guy who says that that “Salis assaulted an innocent man as documented in the video below by the police”, could you please tell us where in the video you see Salis? Are you an Italian fascist voting for Meloni?

  5. I did not see Salis. What I do see is an innocent woman falsely accused. Where is Salis in this video. Hungary is a third world country or not. Where is Salis in this video. Salis is not in this video. You have not spoken the truth. You have not shown Salis in this video. This is an example of a third world country attempting to solve a riddle at the expense of an innocent woman for international publicity and world dominance.

  6. So, the communist tactic to keep their murderous thugs out of prison is to run them for MEP to get immunity, when the crime was committed well before running for office. Clever and corrupt but so EU. Don’t give into the pressure, Hungary. She was not an MEP when she did this and the idea of retroactive immunity makes a farce of the law. Hungarians deserve to be safe on their own streets and that will never happen if communists are allowed to get away with this.

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