Dubai millionaire saved the life of his bodyguard in Hungary

The bodyguard of a Dubai millionaire collapsed without any pre-existing health conditions. The ambulance fought for the life of the 45-year-old man for more than an hour. However, he would not have had a chance if it had not been for the Dubai millionaire he worked for.
The National Ambulance Service reported about the incident on their Facebook page. They wrote that the Dubai millionaire was in Hungary during the weekend. The purpose of his stay was to take part in a business negotiation. However, the meeting had to be interrupted because his 45-year-old bodyguard suddenly collapsed. Furthermore, the ambulance service wrote on their Facebook page that the bodyguard was in good health and had no preliminary conditions.
Ambulance said that the Middle Eastern businessman probably had some medical knowledge since he immediately offered first aid to the man. He quickly determined that the 45-year-old man did not breathe and began CPR.
Meanwhile, his business partners called the ambulance which arrived on the spot within minutes. They struggled for the life of the man for more than an hour. However, thanks to the immediately started CPR, they were successful. The combined effort managed to save his life.
Finally, they transported the bodyguard to the hospital in stable condition. The Dubai millionaire thanked the National Ambulance Service on Monday in an email addressed to the general director.
Source:, facebook/orszagosmentok