EU aims to send up to 120,000 migrants to Hungary?

Budapest (MTI) – The European Union may resettle 100,000 to 120,000 migrants in Hungary under its mandatory quota plan, János Lázár suggested in an interview with local news portal on Saturday.
The government office chief warned that that number, in light of reunited families and further children, could mean “a continuously growing community of 500,000-600,000”.
Lázár said it was “questionable” how members of that community, people “from completely different cultures and societies… strongly attached to their own religious and cultural identities” could integrate into local society.
Referring to calls by the opposition for voters to stay away from the upcoming quota referendum, Lázár said that people must not “give up their right to vote”, while politicians campaigning against the referendum are actually “attacking fundamental values of democracy”.
Lázár also reiterated the government’s earlier position that Hungary is ready to ensure protection to political refugees. As for economic migrants, however, “we are ready to support – in proportion with the country’s economic strength – those who live in worse conditions than we do, but that aid must be provided where they were born, where they live, and where the problems arose,” he added.
“We must accommodate refugees, but we must also protect Europe’s borders from immigrations and we need to create points where people who want to enter can do so,” Lázár said. He criticised Germany for “sorting migrants and picking those it needs” while the rest should be “distributed across Europe”.
Photo: Balázs Béli
Source: MTI
Keep them out otherwise Hungary will be raped by these scum. Vote NO
This is complete B.S., Angela Merkel opens her big mouth and says her country will take in a million refugees and then when she can’t live up to that promise she forces the other countries to take in the rest. Hungary does not have the means or desire to take them in and they should not be forced to do so.