PM Orbán’s parliamentary group leader: foreign financiers trying to install pro-war left-wing government in Hungary

Financiers from abroad are still trying to ensure that a pro-war left-wing government is installed in Hungary, Máté Kocsis, the Fidesz parliamentary group leader, told public radio in an interview on Sunday.
He said it had become clear in 2022 that the Hungarian left wing was being financed from abroad.
“I don’t think this has stopped: left-wing pro-war rhetoric is still evident today just as it is in western Europe,” he added.
The war in Ukraine, he said, was the focus of political discourse, with Hungary on the side of peace and western Europe in favour of war.
But it appeared, Kocsis added, that several European parties were on course to secure enough seats in the European Parliament elections to form a new political unit with “Europe’s interests” at heart.

American, Russian interests are not European interests
War, he said, was not in Europe’s interest. “The Americans may have an interest, the Russians may have an interest … but now it is broadly felt that [war] is not a European interest,” he added.
Referring to “another Peter [Magyar]”, he said “a new messiah” had already turned up in 2022 “when he was called Péter Márki-Zay … the recipe is the same”.
He said foreign financiers’ goals had not changed: to overthrow or weaken the current anti-war Hungarian government. Referring to an official investigation into foreign financing under the Sovereignty Protection Act, he said “foreign financiers will do everything” to bypass the rules.
“These methods [to bypass rules] are bottomless; you can’t protect against everything,” he said, adding that former Socialist prime minister Gordon Bajnai and Ádám Ficsor, a former intelligence services minister, had “reappeared”, and now their methods once used to support the left wing were being used “elsewhere”.
Read also:
- Orbán cabinet: ‘Witch hunt’ against Hungarian companies ongoing in Ukraine – Read more HERE
Featured image: PM Orbán (r) and Máté Kocsis (l)
This Fidesz Kremlin propaganda is straight out of something that would come out of Kim Jong Un’s mind. It’s conspiracy theory lunacy for feeble minded Hungarians.
The gullibility of the Hungarians.
WILL they continue to “Swallow” take this PROPAGANDA “crap” from Fidesz, that is ALL being drafted, submitted to the Kremlin and to Beijing for there APPROVAL ???
The gargantuan DISTABLIZATION this would cause – the IMPACT on DEMOCRACY in Europe would be APPALLING.
Hungary, under it’s Prime Minister – Victor Orban and his Fidesz Government, there “Modus Operandi” is to be the FEEDER into the Russian & China – there “goals” of wider, broader “infestation of there “presence” conducted under COMMUNISM, which we know is the LAW of there Political systems.
Hungary, this “veiling” behind – throwing out into the European Union, and Globally, in the faces of country’s Governed under DEMOCRACY – in what Orban, in his BASTARDIZATION process he has undertaken of Hungary, that grow’s – “sprouting” that Hungary, we are a Country of Peace, not aligned to Western Country’s that favour War – just part of the PROPAGANDA – that will cause on-going DISGRACE & Humiliation on Hungary.
The “Undercroft” of Hungary – grows in recognition, in it’s role under the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary, the Distillation process undertaken on DEMOCRACY in Hungary, the expansion of Partnerships / Relationships with Russia and China, that if the citizens – the PEOPLE of Hungary continue to display NO Objection(s) – will likely see the return of Hungary, being AGAIN like 1945-1989 – Governed and Ruled under a Dictatorship and by the Laws of Communism.
– Are we SEEING Major Investment(s) into Hungary – coming to US – from Western Country’s ???
– Is there a likelihood, that Major Car Manufacturing OPERATORS – that are of Western “home based” origin – being Members of the European Union – not in FAVOUR of the possibility of China’s “proposed” car manufacturing of size plant – being built in Hungary ???
– Could the Western Car and Automotive companies, being part of the European Union – decide to with-draw – close down there Hungarian operations ???
China – it’s proposed remembering encouraged and agreed to by the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary – it WOULD be COMPETITION to the Western based, under Democracy, members of the European Union – companies – that have Automotive operational “presence” employing in major part Hungarians – could the Chinese “arrival” – cause them to re-think of there Hungarian presence ???
It’s just not the MAJOR plants of these Western Car Manufacturer(s) – as the “outsourced” other industries in Hungary, that PROVIDE the major Car Manufacturing plants – the “other” associated industries, that are mainly of Hungarian employers, they TO could have troubled times, if the BIG Players of the West – “pull the plug” on Hungary.
WHAT if – Hungary is EXPELLED – from the European Union or decides, which in there MILLIONS the citizens / population of Hungary believe they can EXIST stand alone as a country, without membership of the European Union ???
Financially and Economically we knowingly that the Orban – Fidesz Government of Hungary are FACTUALLY horrendously short strained of FUNDS.
It will WORSEN.
Hungarians, we have allowed, over the course of 14 plus years, we re-elected the Orban – Fidesz Government, we have “eaten” and “feed off there words – there PROPAGANDA – there mis-representation of Truths and Facts – to be DELIVERED – by the Orban – Fidesz Government, the Hungary, we “wake” to and LIVE in, which is a declining country, that has been SMASHED as a Democracy and moved back into a Dictatorship course of Government, by Victor Orban and his Fidesz Government.
No wonder the MASS exodus of Hungarians is Accelerating – getting out of Hungary – APPALLING.
The answer to Hungarians if THEY in there MILLIONS want to change there “newly” or resurrected favoured colour – from the period in time 1945-1989 – that being RED – back to the colours of our National Country Flag, is to read and accept understand the POPENCY contained in the title of this commentary.
FUTURE of Hungary – it’s CITIZENS life qualities – SCARY.
Foreign government should just keep out of Hungarian election. It is up to Hungarian people to decide their future not some globalists or EU dictator who want Hungarians to cede sovereignty like most EU countries.