Freedom House: Hungary is no longer a democracy but a ‘hybrid regime’

In 2020, Freedom House, a U.S.-based research institute and human rights advocate, qualified Hungary as a ‘hybrid regime’ in its annual report, Nations in Transit. Serbia, Montenegro, and other Balkan countries were similarly criticised because of their declining standards in governance, elections, and media freedom.
The report analyses the state of democracy in 29 countries in Central Europe and Central Asia. Nations in Transit evaluates the countries based on seven main criteria and gives numerical ratings based on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 representing the lowest and 7 the highest level of democracy. These categories are the following:
- National Democratic Governance
- Electoral Process
- Civil Society
- Independent Media
- Local Democratic Governance
- Judicial Framework and Independence
- Corruption
Each country receives a Democracy Score, which is the average of the seven indicators. In 2020, Freedom House introduced the Democracy Percentage, which converts the Democracy Score to a scale from 0-100. Last year, Hungary scored 51; however, in the latest survey, only 49, which means that it lost its status as a ‘semi-consolidated democracy’. Compared to the previous year’s result, the country got a lower rating in the categories of ‘Electoral Process’, ‘Local Democratic Governance’, and ‘Corruption’.

● Consolidated Democracy: 68−100
● Semi-Consolidated Democracy: 51−67
● Transitional or Hybrid Regime: 34−50
● Semi-Consolidated Authoritarian Regime: 18−33
● Consolidated Authoritarian Regime: 0−17
“Hungary’s decline has been the most precipitous ever tracked in Nations in Transit; it was one of the three democratic frontrunners as of 2005, but in 2020, it became the first country to descend by two regime categories and leave the group of democracies entirely,” claimed the report.
The Executive Summary about Hungary by Gábor Filippov can be found HERE.
The report argues that numerous Central European and Central Asian political leaders are openly attacking democratic institutions. This region can also be characterised by attacks on judicial independence, threats against civil society, and electoral manipulation, which have resulted in a democratic breakdown.
Freedom House treated Hungary together with a part of the Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia), Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. These countries constitute the middle category labelled ’transitional or hybrid regime’. They are described as electoral democracies that challenge the political and civil rights and have fragile democratic institutions. ‘Semi-consolidated democracies’, such as Croatia, Romania, Poland, or Bulgaria, represent a more stable and democratic government system and free and fair elections.
In the latest report, Hungary was considered a ‘semi-consolidated democracy’ and a ‘consolidated democracy’ before 2015.

The fact that Hungary descended two categories in a short time is unprecedented in the history of the report that has been published regularly for 25 years. Freedom House accused the current government with “centralizing power, tilting the electoral playing field, taking over much of the media, and harassing critical civil society organizations”. The report further highlighted issues such as the unequal access to state resources, the high level of corruption, or the undemocratic aspect of the 2020 adoption of the emergency law that enables the government to rule by decree indefinitely.
The graph shows that starting from the level of Poland, Hungary has gradually descended into the same category as Serbian democracy, while the situation in Poland has also deteriorated significantly.
Judging by that map, the country that present Hungary appears to regard as its model is placed in the 0-17 range, therefore the Hungarian gov’t still has a long way to go before they can proudly say: ” finally we made it! We are like Russia! “. Neverthless, I am sure the target will eventually be achieved. It is not a matter of efforts, the efforts are strong, it is only a matter of time.
Dear Mario, do you have as much money as Soros? If you pay me enough money, I can say what you want. So if you want, I can say, that you’re the most clever man in Africa. That’s so simple.
Dear John, perhaps you are new in Hungary, so just to clarify: Mr. Viktor Orbán openly said that he wants to build an illiberal state following the path of countries such as Russia and China, countries with limited or with no democracy. He is therefore being loyal to his promise, he is steadily heading in that direction, and the ” Freedom House ” evaluation shows it clearly.
I am sure that the Hu Gov’t is not upset at this report, on the contrary it must be proud to see that its powerful efforts in building the promised illiberal state are receiving international recognition.
Dear Mario, always tell the truth. Mr. Orban has never mentioned, that Hungary should „follow the path” of Russia, or China. Mr. Orban said, that he is seeking to find the best way to organise the Hungarian state to make it more competitive: “Today, the world tries to understand systems which are not Western, not liberal, maybe not even democracies yet they are successful” he said, and only mentioned Singapore, China, India, Russia and Turkey as examples. If you have enough money to pay me, I can change my opinion.LOL
As an expat living here in Hungary who was born in the US I must say I left America because of the loss of freedom and the growing police state feeling since 9/11. Example being when one flies into the US from outside the country is the Borders and Customs controls at US airports. Last time I returned to the US I was in the cue at Customs at the DFW airport for almost 6 hours which caused me to miss an onward domestic flight. I had only a rucksack containing a few clothes. When one flies into Budapest I have never experienced more than a few minute cue at passport control and never seen more than a handful of people at customs.
I have never experienced a road side checkpoint for drunk driving, driving licence and proof of insurance in Hungary. In the US it was not unusual to see this on a weekly basis.
No place is perfect but I have nothing to complain about in regards to Hungarian freedoms. I am glad to be here. Freedom House sounds like a Soros type NGO trying to foment discontentment. Hopefully most people see their comments for what they are.
The blatant manipulation of FACT, reversing it, driven by individuals, and member countries of the European Union, who through there invested interests, pontificating there positions by there thick wallets,.
There destructive destabilization process of misleading untruths and innuendos, is a Fabrication of Truth or Factorially the true circumstances to what there venomous characters represent.
Prime Minister – Victor Orban & his Government and Party, the past decade for US in Hungary, have commenced a Focus rebuilding economic platform, that encapsulates the new going forward of our country – Hungary, placing us, into the World of the 21st Century and beyond.
The vision and plans of Prime Minister – Victor Orban & his Government – there achievements, over the past decade have been Remarkable.
My opinions dismiss respectfully, those from wide arenas, internally in Hungary – Europe and Globally, that we, as a Country, are Guilty of continual Democratic Dismantling or Democratic Backsliding.
DEMOCRACY is built around, giving people/citizens a voice, clearly defining to them, the Rules of Law, staying within positions, that are outlined by Government, in there Policies, and that if boundary’s outlined in Governmental Policies are burst or fragmented, questions could or will be asked as to positions or actions taken, that are not in line with Governmental Rules of Law.
Democracy – is constantly reforming it-self.
Prime Minister – Victor Orban – being the visionary gifted leader, that he is, in my opinion, what has occurred under Democracy in our beloved country, is a – Reforming Process – applying it to this period of time in History, to maximize – reef the vast benefits, that the seeds, roots and foundations promise ALL from – DEMOCRACY.
There must be Obedience – Respect to Democracy, not exploitation or abuse – living working within it’s Core Meaning – that does not shut citizens off – from having a voice and expressing there opinion.
Hungary, we have Freedoms – bought on by the intellectual foresight and vision of our Prime Minister – Victor Orban and his Government and Party – they are, in the continual on-going process of the overdue need of the Reforming of Democracy – the 21st century and beyond, that will launch us into decades of independence self reliance and prosperity.
According to its website, “Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people.”
What a fascinating self-assessment this organisation has for its ‘raison d’être.’
Based within the United States – and funded almost entirely by the U.S. Government (in its 2018 Annual Report, “Freedom House” acknowledged receiving $35 million U.S. dollars – or about 88% of its annual revenue – from the Trump administration), this self-described N.G.O. (non-Governmental Organisation)
revels in categorising sovereign nations into various ‘degrees’ of democracy.
The purpose for such ‘categorisation’ is apparently to highlight what “Freedom House” perceives are abuses of ‘human rights’ (an extremely nebulous concept at the best of times !).
In its most recent report, “Freedom House” has labelled Hungary as a ‘transitional or hybrid regime’ – part democracy and part authoritarian.
A major justification for doing so is the recently-adopted Hungarian Coronavirus Protection Act .
I find it most interesting that the E.U.’s Vice President for Transparency and Values has only a week ago labelled that same piece of legislation to be within the European Union’s ‘core principles’.
How is it that “Freedom House” can so adamantly state a different opinion when – at the same time – it totally ignores the Trump administration’s blatant disrespect for the U.S. Constitution and, indeed, rule of law ?
Naturally one doesn’t ‘bite the hand that feeds it’ but I can’t help wonder if “Freedom House” is ignoring its ‘mandate’ by disregarding the current situation within the U.S. and concentrating on nations such as Hungary / Poland / aspirational E.U. Balkan countries [Bosnia and Herzegovina / Serbia / Kosovo / Montenegro / Albania / North Macedonia] – which are presently ‘punching bags’ for the likes of George Soros’ “Open Society” plus certain technocrats in Brussels – to justify its existence.
Are the world’s THINKING people supposed to accept what “Freedom House” writes just because of its name and location ?
I do NOT believe that to be the case.
Jack Russell – an ex-U.S. resident – eloquently expresses dissatisfaction felt by MANY people now living in the United States.
Whilst some citizens of former Communist-dominated countries view United States as being an ideal place in which to reside, the ugly truth is quite different.
On a similar but different note, Mario is obviously extremely dissatisfied with not only the political system in Hungary but also its health system (as judged by his recent comments of May 5).
Instead of ‘bending the truth’ to justify his complaints, maybe he should just ‘bite the bullet’ as Jack did and RELOCATE.
I am certain that the “Mushroom Kingdom” would welcome back its most famous citizen and we can all continue to enjoy his exploits.
I do not understand why supporters of Hu gov’t are upset at this report. Instead, they should be proud. This is one more proof of the international recognition of the fact that their Leader is keeping the promises he made: building an illiberal state, doing like Russia. I am not being sarcastic, just stating facts.
Mario, Mario, Mario.
As John has succinctly noted, Viktor Orban NEVER promised to ‘build an illiberal state … like Russia.’
You really MUST get your facts correct before writing anything in the public arena otherwise people will IGNORE everything published in your name and view you – ‘MARIO’- as nothing more than a cartoon character in a stylised plumber’s outfit.
Mr. Stephen King, the Prime Minister V.O. said his aim is to create an illiberal state. He said that in different occasions and using different expressions. So either you have been brainwashed to such an extent that you do not remember well-known facts from recent years, or you simply ignore those facts. In the latter case, you can make your own researches, in the former case you can not be cured.
Oh Mario.
It is about time that you went back to the “Mushroom Kingdom” and stuffed your mouth full of magic mushrooms.
Either that or undergo a LOBOTOMY.
“Orbán Gov’t Rejects ‘Soros-Financed’ Freedom House Claims that Hungary No Longer Democracy” (Hungary Today)
Here we go.. another self appointed, self promoting NCO with a globalist, statist agenda and some maths-statical voodoo measures inflating themselves for some publicity and visibility. Who cares? The people of Hungary are those who should rate and choose their elected officials and government and its policies. Just more stones rattling in a near empty tin can. Mere noise.