Fully vaccinated Hungarians can travel to the UK without quarantine!
A change will come into effect at 04:00 BST on Monday: EU and US citizens who have received two doses of a coronavirus vaccine outside of the UK vaccination campaign will also be able to enter England, Scotland, and Wales without a quarantine obligation.
According to an earlier decree by the British government, people returning to Britain from countries in the yellow or high-risk category, including Hungary, who received both doses of the vaccine in the UK campaign do not have to be quarantined.
BBC reports that this restriction will be lifted by the UK government’s extension decision described on Wednesday. The new rule, which comes into effect on Monday, allows unrestricted travel from the EU and the US to those who have received vaccines accepted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Based on this, the Chinese Sinopharm and Russian Sputnik V vaccines are not accepted.
However, as Telex points out, one restriction remains. Anyone coming to England from a yellow category must have a fresh coronavirus test before their arrival and test themselves two days after entering the country.
The British government classifies the majority of the EU Member States, including Hungary, to be in the yellow category, with a few exceptions. The United States also falls into the yellow category.
The British tourism industry and the airlines have long called for the lifting of entry restrictions on foreigners vaccinated with both doses.
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the British economy is losing £639 million a day due to restrictions on inbound tourism.
Source: BBC, Telex
The UK’s MHRA (the equivalent of the EMA) and the FDA will never approve the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine because IT IS USELESS, as many of my friends have discovered having had antibody tests done. Thank goodness I told my Nemzeti doctor back in April (I usually go private but was allocated him for the vaccine by the registration system ) that under no circumstances would I accept the Sinopharm product as it would likely affect my ability to travel. A week later he offered me Pfizer so all is well.
Yes Anonymous, the same for me too. I said I wouldn’t accept Sinopharm for that reason and was therefore offered Pfizer instead. My neighbour and her husband both had Sinopharm, she has no antibodies and he has too few. They’re in their 40s.