German leaders ‘siding with terrorists’, says Orbán cabinet

Germany’s leaders have “sided with terrorists rather than with their own voters … when parliamentary representatives had a chance they did not say no to immigration,” the communications director of the ruling parties said in a Facebook video on Saturday.

“This could never happen in Hungary as long as Viktor Orbán is prime minister,” Tamás Menczer said. According to Menczer, two-thirds of Germans support that Germany should tighten its immigration policy or that “Germany should follow Hungary’s lead and protect itself.”

Germans have had “enough of murders and terrorist attacks” associated with illegal migration, Menczer said, but added that “finally the pro-migration forces won” in the German parliament and called the assembly’s decision “shocking, unbelievable”.

Read also:

  • PM Orbán: Hungary will enter a new era of growth in 2025, 4th CPAC Hungary will be in May
  • Fidesz-backed mayor bought votes for EUR 25 in Járdánháza? – VIDEO


  1. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric from Hungarian politicians is irresponsible. No German leader is “pro-migration” and no German leader seeks to promote terrorism. Now if someone wants to say that German immigration policy fails to adequately protect Europe from access by terrorists that would be the way a statement would be made by a responsible politician which you won’t find in Fidesz. German politicians are democratically elected and are held responsible by the electorate in Germany so no one in Fidesz has the right to say that they don’t side with their own voters. Anything Fidesz doesn’t like from the leaders of European countries (I don’t count Hungary anymore as part of Europe. It’s more central Asian) they now reflexively use the baseless accusation of not acting on the wishes of voters. This is Russian style propaganda created by people who actually do not believe in democracy themselves.

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