German princess saves Hungarian man’s life in Tápióbicske

We present you a fairytale-like story directly from the Great Plains of Hungary, where a German princess saved the life of a Hungarian man. Considering that, we can say that the story even follows the abolition of traditional gender roles. It is not the male prince rescuing the female lady in trouble, but the other way round. Furthermore, in our story, the man is drunk. Too drunk.

According to, he fell into the Tápió River because of the amount of alcohol he consumed. Thankfully, a German princess, Maja von Hohenzollern (51), was walking his dogs there and spotted the man with his face down into the river. She did not hesitate but helped him. That is how she could rescue his life. Maja von Hohenzollern shared the details on her Instagram account in a post.

Maja von Hohenzollern:

She said she was walking dogs when she saw a man riding a bike along the banks of the small Tápió River in Tápióbicske. The aristocrat came to Hungary to meet with Péter Ovádi, Hungary’s ministerial commissioner for the renewal and implementation of the National Animal Protection Programme. Furthermore, they visited the animal shelter of Tápióbicske, which is under construction.

After the official program, the German princess went home with her dogs, saw the man, but continued her journey. “I brought the dogs home and felt weird. I ran back to the little river and only saw the bike. The man lay face down under the water in the river and was motionless!!

I jumped into the river and pulled the lifeless man onto the bank. He wasn’t breathing, and his face and lips were blue. I slapped his back and laid him on his side to get the water out. I did CPR with him, and after a short while, he was coughing. He started breathing again. He was apparently drunk and in bad shape. I called the ambulance and held his cold hands until the doctor came. He’s fine now so far”, the princess wrote. She added she would like more people to act like her in such situations. “There are so many people who go through the world apathetically. I’m so thankful that I could save this man’s life. Please do not hesitate to help anyone in need”, she concluded.

Maja von Hohenzollern (born Maja Synke Meintert) was born in Dresden in 1971. In 1991, she married Ferfried Prince von Hohenzollern and became a princess. They divorced in 2007, but she kept the title. She lives in Marbella, Spain, and has been active in animal protection issues for decades. Her Heart 4 Strays Foundation saved the lives of hundreds of dogs and cats.


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