Germany introduces stricter COVID-19 measures
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the mayors of the country’s 11 largest cities have agreed that special restrictions are needed immediately to keep new COVID-19 infections below the critical warning level of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants over a seven-day period, the German government said on Friday.
At a press conference, Merkel said that these were “crucial weeks” in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s cities have reported significant increases in infections in recent days.
“It has to be our goal to keep the number of infections within a range where every infection can be traced,” Merkel said following her video conference with the mayors.
The restrictions would include the extension of the obligation to wear a mouth-nose cover; size limits for group gatherings in public and at private parties; and, if necessary, the introduction of a curfew and possible restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages at restaurants and bars.
“I know that if there have to be strict rules for weddings and family celebrations, then this intervenes deeply in our private life and our freedom,” said Merkel. “But we are at a point where we have to set priorities.”
If the number of new COVID-19 infections in hotspots cannot be kept below the critical warning level within ten days at the latest, additional targeted restrictions would become unavoidable, a government document said.
“The infection numbers might be rising, but we are anything but powerless,” Merkel said, appealing to the citizens to follow the COVID-19 rules.
As the world is struggling to control the pandemic, countries across the globe — among them Germany, China, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States — are racing to find a vaccine.
According to the website of the World Health Organization, as of Oct. 2, there were 193 COVID-19 candidate vaccines being developed worldwide, 42 of them in clinical trials.
Read alsoGermany one step closer to launching Covid-19 vaccine
Source: Xinhua
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” If at First you don’t Succeed, try, try again ” – is an English saying.
In these Challenging times, we ALL live, there must be application of this expression, adapted by Governments.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, we know her scientific and medically associated background, before entering the “lions den” of politics, continues to be combative, in her attitude and approach of facing and dealing with this novel coronavirus, that has invaded Germany and the World.
Statistical respected Medical Figures – clearly indicate, we, in Hungary, nor Europe but the World, is at the cross roads in our confrontation, in dealing and finding a position – formula that can be used, that Controls and Manages, this deadly novel coronavirus.
Merkel, does not have a perfect score.
She has made decisions, that have not worked totally in the favour of Germany, in the Control & Management of this deadly novel virus, but she – try’s and try’s again.
Governments – they continue to have presented to them – that their priority is that of their PEOPLE – the Health of their People and then the Economy – in this separated priority and second prioritization policy of their Government dealing with this virus.
We live, in Hope, waiting for the discovery of a vaccine that will immunize human beings from contacting this deadly novel corona virus.
Governments – must close down their countries AGAIN.
The movement of people, does appear the principal catalyst, in the spreading of this deadly virus, and Governments, must “close off” – try, try AGAIN to separate people movement and gathering – enforcing social distancing.
We are at the cross roads of this novel coronavirus, and longing for a vaccine discovery, and that we cross the challenging and dangerous roads in the meantime and that we are able to proceed in relative safety to the other side
Stay Safe & Well -ALL.
Budapest comprises, is made up of 23 District’s.
This represents approximately 1.9 percent of the total population of Hungary taken at 9.7 million.
Budapest – the 23 districts, continues to be the “boiling kettle” of new cases being reported, in Hungary, at an alarming growing increasing number of new daily cases of this novel deadly virus.
The “zenith” is not expected till January 2021.
Government can’t dismiss consideration being deeply evaluated – to isolate – separate districts, that information they are receiving on a daily basics – emphatically – highlights, the Districts, that this virus is rampant and not under Control.
Decisions, the humanitarian harshness that would be inflicted on districts, if this course of preventative control & management direction was introduced, would be stressful, demanding and traumatic on the residents of the respective districts.
Hard calls – decisions have to be made.
The Health of the People of a Country is the foremost priority of Governments that should be given priority over their economies.
Nelson Mandela – President of South Africa, a “hero” of mine, said :
” It always seems impossible until it’s done”.