Government takes action amid hospital air-conditioning breakdown crisis in Hungary

The state secretary in charge of health services said on Monday that the government is using 1.3 billion forints (EUR 3.3m) to finance repairs on hospitals’ air conditioning (AC) systems.

Péter Takács told public media that in the recent heat wave four hospitals, out of a total 81, had to reschedule operations. He added that “there have been minor problems (with air conditioning) everywhere but no urgent case was left unattended.” “Hospitals were able to resolve their problems through reorganising their services,” he said.

In view of heat waves occurring more frequently, the government started modernising the air conditioning systems in hospitals three years ago, having spent over 10 billion forints to that end so far, Takacs said, adding that 14 major hospitals across the country now had completely new systems.

On another subject, Takács noted that the European Union’s health ministers will meet in Budapest on Wednesday and Thursday. Their agenda will focus on making health care services resistant to the impacts of climate change.

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  1. There has been no air conditioning even in intensive care units in Budapest which is horrendously inexcusable. Fidesz has allowed everything in the country to break down and this is costing some Hungarians their lives. Hungary has dropped to the lowest living standard in the EU and some parts of the system have degenerated into Third World conditions.

  2. Peter Takacs – wants to get off his backside, and do a high degree of “on site” visits to Public Hospitals in Budapest, Hungary – that WLL open his eyes, enabling him to make COMMENTS – give opinions that are FACT rather than the high degree of CRAP he talks in this article.
    This “Medical” condition that needs EXAMINATION of individuals associated with the Orban – Fidesz Government in Hungary – the constant practice of VEILING facts, just “spewing” out RUBBISH, that is mis-leading void, an ABSENSE of Truth and of the REAL situation(s) – HAPPENINGS – just APPALLING.
    Takacs – get out your chair, leave your tie and suit at home, write in your “day planner” public hospitals you UN-ANNOUNCED are going to visit.
    Takacs – just walk in off the utca through reception or an emergency department, and OBSERVE – the REAL going’s on, the HAPPENINGS in our COLLAPSING Public Hospital(s) – Services – Facilities & System.
    Go to the FACE – Peter Takacs – the places it’s ALL happening or NOT happening to be CORRECT, and “get down – get dirty ” – see the REAL World not what you are FEED, or TOLD to write and COMMENT on, but GIVE evidence, that from your own “hands on” visits, to and name them – be HONEST and with Candour – that FACTUALLY – to the citizens of Budapest, Hungary – this is my Peter Takacs – OBSERVATIONS, by my getting “off my arse” and opening my eyes – the state of our Public Hospital Environments – Health Services.
    I speak with FACT and TRUTH.
    12 days needing immediate surgery for an abscessed appendix – told 4pm in the afternoon and in theatre 11pm same evening.
    3rd floor room – of very small “cramped” room, that had 5 male patients in it.
    No call bell for nurse attention.
    NO air-conditioning – in this present HEAT wave we are having – 12 days and nights of it.
    Evening of surgery – by wheel-chair to lift as operating theatres on 4th floor – but lifts “out of order”.
    Assisted by an orderly I had to walk the flight of stairs to the doors of the operating rooms.
    Post the operation, I wake in Intensive Care – Why I ask nurse ?
    The lifts are still not operating and you had to stay here and will until early hopefully afternoon the LIFTS – are back in operation.
    This is a Major Public TEACHING Hospital – on the doorsteps of Keleti Railway Station, not the Green Public Hospital that over looks the Kerepesi cemetery, the “one” on the opposite side of Keleti Station – that even the plastic leather covering on the cat scan machine – was RIPPED – looking absolutely disgusting very 3rd WORLD.
    PATIENTS – we 5 in our DOG Box room, the entire Ward and general public in GREAT part(s) of this Public Central Budapest “Teaching” Hospital – not Air Conditioned.
    Nursing staff in there ROOM, lay back comfortable RECLINER chairs in Air Conditioning environment.
    Doctors Room(s) same – fitted out in comfort – Air Conditioned.
    I have the MONEY to PAY for the BEST, but because there was NOTHING available in the PRIVATE Sector – and the NEED for URGENT abdominal surgery – that’s the REASON I ended in this Hospital as a Public Patient, paying my near on 18.000 equivalent of USA Dollars for these past 12 days in Hospital.
    REVOLTING and 3rd World standards.
    Peter Takacs – you are deserving of a savage “Mauling” over what you comment and say in this article.
    The citizens of Budapest, Hungary at this point in time, just not the IMPLODING Medial Services – need TRUTH – Facts not as you comment absolute FABRICATION of Truth that are LIES to what is HAPPENING in the Real World.
    Truth in Life, is ALWAYS your strongest form of DEFENCE but if you “paint” false pictures FABRICATE and as you are being IDENTIFIED – personal “dwindling” disappearing reputations and RESPECT rightfully are CRUSHED.
    Peter Takacs – through you Political Membership – your support of the Orban – Fidesz Government, your OPINIONS will be “favoured” to that of the CREED – the DNA of the Fidesz Political Party – who can’t spell TRUTH nor write pronounce the word.
    Takacs – get out and around in the REAL World – move from behind your desk, receiving but signing off on information from within “contributors” staff and “other” – that ALL are of – supporters of your Political Party – the Fidesz Political Party.
    Peter Takacs – you KNOW the rapidness of it ALL imploding Medical and “other” Public Services.
    Takacs – you HONESTLY know the reason(s) why this COLLAPSE trend is accelerating.
    TRUTH is – FACT is your Political Party of membership and SUPPORT – they HAVE no MONEY to INVEST into Medical Public Health and “other” Services.
    Observation is the BEST source of LEARNING – leave your OFFICE and OBSERVE the factual happens then write them or COMMUNICATE them to US – to ALL Hungarians that is TRUTH.

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