Govt official: protest against Fudan project is just “political scaremongering”

A government official has dismissed a demonstration organised against the establishment of the Budapest campus of China’s Fudan University on Saturday as “political scare-mongering”, arguing that the organisers were protesting on the basis of “unfounded rumours and press reports”.
Tamás Schanda, a state secretary at the innovation and technology ministry, told a press conference that protests against the university campus were “pointless” at this stage, pointing out that the project was still in the planning phase.
No decision has been made on either the finances or the project’s implementation, Schanda said, adding that those steps were not expected until the second half of 2022, when the plans for the campus were completed.
He said that if Budapest’s municipal and 9th district leadership was willing to work “instead of clowning around”, they should contribute to the talks on the project. “Otherwise it’ll be their responsibility if the site of this major urban development project turns into a rust graveyard, landfill or a large bee pasture,” he said.
“If one applies some common sense, it’s clear that the student quarter planned to be built in the area and the university complement each other well,” he added.
Schanda said Fudan University was one of the world’s top institutions with outstanding research achievements, more than 4,500 instructors and some 30,000 students. He noted that the university was eyeing Budapest as the city in which it intends to set up its first campus outside China.
The government wants Hungarian young people to be the “winners of the future”, he said, adding that the university campus together with the student quarter would make that area of Budapest’s 9th district a liveable and attractive part of the city.
Source: MTI
Orban wants to create Beijing on the Danube… A communist University? Rather a strange choice for someone who wanted to ban Heineken beer because of a red star!
Contemptuous answer by this Government official Tamas Schanda.
Answer formed around the establishment building of this Fudan University, is shallow – lacking depth of understanding the negatives and draw backs for the students of Hungary – if it is built – and it’s WRONGNESS.
The power of People – their numbers of Opposition grow and their voices and disagreement to the establishment of this “foreign” funded owned and run – University – will continue to intensify and be HEARD.
Tamas Schanda – bit of reading material that will broaden your understanding of foreign studentships.
LaTrobe University and Swinburn University located in Victoria, Australia – prior to February 2020 – educated vast numbers in hundreds of “self funded” Chinese and Asian students.
The Chinese and those of other Asian countries but principally Chinese – paid BIG money to study take degrees at this (2) two places of learning.
Latrobe University and Swinburn University – loved the bottom line income effect of foreign studentships.
It was BIG income to them.
This novel coronavirus pandemic has caused full time and part time academic staff and administrational staff numbers at these (2) two “houses of learning” to be reduced by near 40% from pre novel coronavirus period of time.
Foreign Studentship – buy your way in and your Degree – part of the wrongness of 21st century education – university and other.
Australia continues to be in conflict with China which have occurred post this novel coronavirus, in relation to a number of Foreign Trade Agreements.
Foreign studentship at the named “places of learning” has all but disappeared with students in mass having returned to their countries of origin/birth – caused by the “closure” of the university’s through the novel coronavirus.
The bottom line catastrophic financial impact on LaTrobe University and Swinburn University has been Humongous.
The conflict of Foreign Trade on-going between China and Australia, indications are that China – it’s Government will not permit it’s students wishing to return or go to Australia for study – this will not be permitted by the Chinese Government.
History – read it on China in Foreign Relationships and Trading and rember History never Lies.
Norway and Australia – in recent months “scarred” by China – walking away from Foreign Trade Agreements because they where not permitted to stand over nor bully the respective Governments of Norway nor Australia.
China – buys and must have control and if not they will – walk away and NEVER apologize even when proven WRONG for there decision.
Hungary – read study and OBSERVE – globally the “mood” of China and don’t sleep in bed with them, which will result in Disaster.
Yet again, someone had the temerity to misrepresent “AlfredE.Neuman” by submitting comments in the name of “AlfredE.Neumann” (using two ‘n’s not one).
For the record, “AlfredE.Neuman” completely supports the concept of Fudan University.
However, rather than build a new campus in District 9, the Hungarian Government should pay George Soros an amount of ONE Hungarian forint as total compensation for those buildings in District 5 which used to house “CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY”.
Assuming the present FIDESZ-led Government is re-elected at Hungary’s 2022 national elections (against that motley crew of wannabe politicians comprising the ‘Sausage Coalition’), then it is MOST unlikely that George Soros (and his left-wing cronies) will reoccupy C.E.U. in the future.
ONE HUF is more than adequate payment to someone like George Soros who has made a career out of ‘short-changing’ not only individuals but also entire nations.
The Hungarian Government will then have a ‘purpose-built’ university campus that can be leased to FUDAN UNIVERSITY for an appropriate fee.
It will then NOT be necessary to build any ‘student quarter’ in Budapest’s District 9 and bees from all over Europe can enjoy that area without charge.
Karácsony will rejoice !