Gratuity in Hungary to be punished by imprisonment from 2021

According to the newest governmental law and decision, from 2021 January, every participant of gratuity transactions will be punished by imprisonment. Furthermore, Hungarian doctors with a higher income than the average could be transferred to another health institution anytime and will not be able to take up private praxis.
Index reported that the newest law declaration includes the increase of doctors’ income, but it also forbids private praxis and accepting gratuity from patients. From 2021, all healthcare workers, without exception, who take money from patients, can face imprisonment alongside with the persons who gave the money. 
The law also forbids using the state-owned praxis for private matters and even the establishment of private praxis. 
Furthermore, all Hungarian doctors can be replaced to other healthcare facilities if necessary after asking the opinion and requesting permission from the director of the healthcare institution the doctor would be removed from. For a certain period, but not longer than one year, doctors are obliged to do the same job at another facility. 
From 2021 until 2023, the Hungarian government aims to increase the payment of Hungarian doctors to its triple from the current HUF 255,000. 
The Hungarian Medical Camara reacted by stating that the increase is a significant step forward for doctors. Still, many other healthcare workers, like nurses, should be part of the three-year-long plan.


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