Harvey Weinstein abused one of his employees in Budapest
According to index.hu, Alexandra Canosa, the onetime producer of the Marco Polo series accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment and abuse, thus standing in the line of a hundred other women. In fact, she claims that Weinstein abused her several times when shooting the series in Budapest.
Canosa states that her boss harassed, abused her sexually and forced her to take part in sexual activities with him eight times during the period she worked for the Weinstein Company.
Moreover, she was several times hurt physically and humiliated verbally by the man.
One of the statements of the indictment is the following: “On the 24th of June, 2015, in the room of Harvey Weinstein in the Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest, Hungary, Harvey Weinstein assaulted the victim physically and verbally”. That was when the company was shooting some of the episodes of Marco Polo in Hungary.
The document goes on with the already known elements: Weinstein organised the “professional meeting” behind closed doors and he hurled himself at the victim, abused her in different sexual ways and raped the remonstrant woman.
Meanwhile, he threatened her that if she protested, she would lose her job and offered gains if she did not protest. He also threatened her not to talk about the case.
Canosa also sued other people such as Bob Weinstein, the younger brother of Harvey Weinstein, for not acting against the continuous abuses of the producer. She also sued the Weinstein Company, saying that they knew all the way what was happening but refused to do anything.
Featured image: www.youtube.com/WochitNews
Source: https://index.hu/
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“Central European Univision”, Part 527… Budapest’s Answer to “RT”
“I would rather the States should withdraw which are not for unlimited Commerce & War…& confederate with those alone which are for Peace & Agriculture.”
“RT”Thomas Jefferson, 1816
“Paper is Poverty…it is only the Ghost of Money…& not Money itself”
Thomas Jefferson, 1788
Distinguished Friends,
Starting from Scratch, only a Decade ago, &, in the Process, presumably, having made every Mistake in the Book, Moscow, Russia, of all Places, “The City of Lenin’s Tomb” has accomplished Something that has left the Media Giants of the United States & Britain…even the Euro Capital, Brussels, with all its Pretension, gasping for Air.
“RT”, “Red Tomb”, stands today as the online “Go To Network” for Anyone, world-wide, looking for World News.
“We will bury you!” Khruschev once declared to Nixon…& when it comes to the English Language, it looks as if he was prophetic.
This could change, dramatically, however, with the Appearance, in Budapest, Hungary, if “The New CEU”…”Central European Univision”, on June 4 of this Year…having replaced the discredited & throughouly defeated,”Old CEU”, “Central European University”, scheduled to be cleared out on June 1….is sent packing to its natural Home in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
“Vae Victis”, as the Saying goes.
The Closure of the “Old CEU”, is certain to bring about Cries of this being an “Assault on Academic Freedom in Hungary”, with Academics of all political Stripes, up in Arms…. but this is the Reason that the “Old CEU” came to present Itself as a “University”, rather than say, an “Athletic Club”, a “Cancer Clinic”, “Classic Car Museum” or a “Mutiplex Cinema”.
Clearly, George Soros, with his Billions to play with, is not going to set up Shop on Nador u. 9-11, with an Institution that declares Itself to be a “Champion of unimpeded 3rd-world Immigration to Hungary with the Purpose of fomenting a Civil War & the ultimate Collapse of the Hungrian State”.
Clearly…the “Old CEU” had to present Itself as an Institution, which, when under Attack, notably by Viktor Orban, for what it is really about, can be expected to rally the most-guileless & vulnerable Element of Hungarian Society to its Defense…& here we are talking about its Academic Community.
This, in Turn brings us to the Subject of ephemeral “Hungarian Guard”…which came & went before Anyone knew what it was supposed to do….& this in Turn, brings us to the prospective “Board of Directors” of “The New CEU”…”Central European Univision”…with particular Attention to a certain Member of the Board, Laszlo Toroczkai…
Bela Bugar, Member of Slovak Parliament, Chairman of the BoardBeatrix Meszaros, Chairman, Opus Global, “New CEU”-CEO
Sandor Csanyi, CEO, OTP Bank
Istvan Tarlos, Mayor of Budapest…
Arpad Torok…CEO, Trigranit Construction
Gyorgy Rajnai…CEO, Korda Films
Maria Schmidt, Proprietor, “Figyelo”, Magazine
Andrew Vajna…Movie Producer
Laszlo Toroczkai…Mayor of Asotthalom…(my Choice as “Captain” of the “New Hungarian Guard”
Daniel McAdams…Head of the “Central European Univision, News Department” & daily Broadcast “From the Baltic to the Med”…& a much needed Competitor for Moscow’s “RT”…aka “Red Tomb”)
David Yuhas…Impresario
Now a revived “Hungarian Guard” consisting of able-bodied, patriotic Volunteers…mostly Guys…(but not saying “No” to Gals), would be associated with the Ministry of Agriculture…without being associated with the “EU’s famine-enabling, “Common Agricultural Policy”…& would be on Call whenever a volunteer Force of a Couple Hundred Strong were in Demand.
A Case in Point would be on the Morning of June 1 from 0500 until 1100 when the “Old CEU” would be cleared of its Accoutrements, in Preparation for the Arrival of “The New CEU”.
As the “Captain” of the “New Hungarian Guard”, I have no Problem in nominating the able Mayor of Asotthalom, Laszlo Toroczkai…who would work together with the Moving Company, AGS, in having Everything not bolted down, loaded into Cargo Containers & packed off, by Rail, to the Natural Home of the “Old CEU”…Sarajevo, Bosnia.
The Role of the Gals in this “going-away Party” would be 2-fold…packing the library Books into Boxes…& making the Lunch for the Guys at the End of the Shift at 11.
“With Glamour comes Milage”…as I have been known to say…& as Luck would have it…on the 17th & 18th of this Month Hungary can expect a Visit from Dr. Jane Goodall…which brings us back to the “New Hungarian Guard”.
As a Visitor to the Budapest Zoo on a few Occasions, &, as a 1-time Ranger & Officer in Africa’s Zambezi Valley, while being much impressed with this Zoo, generally, there is 1 Thing, that seemed to me to stick out like a Sore Thumb….namely, the tiny Area given to the so-called “Savannah Zone”.
While I have never met Jane Goodall…(& while I am quite sure she has never heard of me)…my Guess is that if she pays a Visit to the Budapest Zoo on this Occasion, her View on the zoo’s “Savannah Zone” is going to be much the Same as mine…namely that would be a Feather in the Cap of this venerable Zoo, it were relocated to an actual “Hungarian Savannah” outside of Budapest.
An ideal Spot in my Opinion, though I only know it from Google Earth, would be 64 Hectares of Savannah on the western Outskirts of Regec…a short Distance of the projected Rakoczi-var Studios of the “New CEU”, in Sarospatak.
Now…if this satellite, “Savannah Park” of the Budapest Zoo in Regec were agreed upon, the 2, big Expenses to be expected, would be “A” 3,200 Meters of perimeter Fencing…& “B”, the Cost of stocking the Park with Savannah Wildlife.
Costs could be dramically reduced if the Hungarian Guard, under the Captaincy of Board Member, Laszlo Toroczkai (who knows a Much about the Building of Fences) built this Fencing with Volunteers…AND…if the Park were to be called “Jane Goodall Park” & designed & stocked by Dr. Goodall (who, unlike Yours truly, is known by the Directors of every Zoo & Wildlife Park in the World), this new Upgrade of the Budapest Zoo could be expected to come into a Windfall of Free Stuff.
We therefore call upon Prime Minister Viktor Orban to prohibit Jane Goodall from Leaving Hungary until she agrees to the aforementioned Terms.
Best Regards,
David Yuhas
“There’s a Reawakening in the Air…
File:Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.jpg
have you felt it?