Here is the final result: Márki-Zay wins opposition primary

Péter Márki-Zay of the Everyone’s Hungary Movement (Mindenki Magyarországa Mozgalom, MMM) won the opposition’s primary election with 371,560 votes (56.71 percent), the primary’s Facebook page said late on Sunday.

His opponent, Klára Dobrev of the Democratic Coalition (DK), garnered 283,677 votes, or 43.29 percent, the page said.

The first round of the opposition primary to elect a joint candidate of DK, Jobbik, LMP, Momentum, the Socialists and Párbeszéd was held between September 18 and 28, and ended with Dobrev in first place with 34.76 percent of the vote. Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony came in second with 27.31 percent and Márki-Zay in third place (20.01 percent). Karacsony then withdrew from the race and backed Marki-Zay, who went on to win the second round held between October 10 and 16.

At a press conference held shortly before the official results were announced on Sunday night, Márki-Zay pledged to build a “new, purer Hungary”.

“Fidesz or no Fidesz” remains the crucial question after the primaries, said Márki-Zay, who is currently serving as the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, in southeast Hungary. A steadfast unity in the opposition parties is key to taking over power, he said.

Meanwhile, ruling Fidesz’s measures to “cement party minions” at the head of key institutions shows they are “expecting to fail”, he said.

“The way [from here] is not to the left or right, but onwards and upwards,” he said.

Márki-Zay said Dobrev had called him to congratulate on his win. He thanked all those heping his campaign as well as DK voters, and said he wanted to “fight together to topple the Orbán regime”.

Besides rising to power, the opposition will “build a new culture” where hate campaigns and blackmailing politicians will be unacceptable, he said.

“The elections will not be free because one of the teams will have to play with their legs bound,” but the oposition will win even so, he insisted.

The opposition will aim to deploy 22,000 activists to election committees, and offer a “whistleblower’s fee” to thwart election fraud, he said.

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Read alsoDo Ukrainians cheat the Hungarian pension system?


  1. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” ― Abraham Lincoln

    Márki-Zay is the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Apró gang’s Trojan horse. He is nothing without them.

  2. REPETITIVELY – this forum I use, to communicate the ABSOLUTE need for the Future of Hungary – that the up-coming National Elections in May 2022 – need – to be – ROBUST.
    This result acheived by Peter Marki – Zay – the victory – needs to spell the absolute end of the existance in Hungarian Politics – the names – Klara Dobrev and Ferenc Gyurcesany.
    “Let there be Light” – Peter Marki – Zay – do – from your religious up-bringing , your Faith, backgrond, education – do AGAIN – read – Genesis 1 : 3.
    The theme MESSAGE – moving forward from Darkness into Light.
    Dobrez & Gyurcesany – likened to the Holy Roman Catholic Church – reverting back pre Vatican 11 – please God – No – if Hungary continued to SUPPORT – these (2) two Political individuals – both of whom are truely passed there used by dates and out of touch with “seeing the light” – the Future of Hungary.
    Peter Marki-Zay – 49 years old – you HAVE – an opportunity presented to you – if YOU – within the core of YOU – your being, to FIND – and Sell – Promote – a balanced MIDDLE Ground position of Politics and Policies – to the Hungarian Population.
    Politicians – can use all the “Flowery” words – quotes and so on – BUT – it is what you – Believe in, live in and see – as the FUTURE – the way forward from Darkness into Light – for ALL of Hungary.
    Peter Marki-Zay – take on and – Challenge the establishements – turn on there Lights – that are behind your Rise – in the likelihood that you will face Victor Orban/Fidesz – in the up-coming National Elections in May 2022 – to become Prime Minister of Hungary.
    Be creative – adventurous – risk taking – challenging – inovative – visionary – “new wave” not “buried” in a mould of being smothered drowned in traditional Catholicism.
    Saint Pope John XX111 – visionary – initiated the Second Vatican Council 1962-1965 – Catholic Church had not had an intense examination of it-self from late 1850’s – FAMOUS – answer when asked why the need of a Second Vatican Council – replied :
    “time to open the Windows of the Church up and Let In -some Fresh Air.”
    Peter Marki-Zay – throw open and wide – your OFFERING – to be Prime Minister of Hungary – from Darkness into Light.
    Policies – built on and around – PEOPLE – from ALL “stations in Life.” – that center on the illimination of the widening Social Inequality gap – that continues in Hungary.
    Creative forward thinking taking Hungary further out and away from a pre 1989 mentality – that STILL dangerously to Powerfully – is in core components of our society and life fabric composition – of the 9.6 million population of Hungary.
    Balanced – middle ground – FOCUSED – giving Hope to the YOUTH & YOUNG – of Hungary – who are the Future of Hungary.
    Bring them to YOUR Table and break bread with them – Gain there Respect – Grow them in the Journey you take them in pre -election and what – YOU – in the Future if elected to the position of Prime Minister – you Promise and Offer them.
    “Darkness into Light” – new age, bit of Bounce / Life – promote and sell the Future of Hungary – new and somewhat radical policies that citizens may “feed off ” – jump on board a Duna Public Ferry and go for a trip a ride with YOU .
    Peter Marki-Zay – you are to young to remember the J.F.K short years of the President of the United States of America – the Camelot Years.
    J.F.K. – Catholic by Faith – of Irish background.
    Major vote winner for J.F.K. besides his glamorous Wife – was the Fact, that he was YOUNG – fresh – bit of a risk taker from a different time coming into the Presidential Chair.
    Dwight.D.Eisenhower – 71 years of age – who J.F.K replaced aged 44 years of age as President of the U.S.A. – the appointment of J.F.K. – had the “message” of taking America out of the old and into a totally new era of its History.
    Peter Marki-Zay – you have a chance to leave an indelible mark in the History of Hungary.
    Democracy continues to evolve and – contribute to its on-going developement – and Hungary our dedication and support to our Sovereignty – need of European Membership – be a “breath of fresh air” – daring, flamboyant – a risk taker – like the “Camelots” – take Hungary into the bright lights of the Future – that you FACTUALLY – from your core – can offer and make a DIFFERENCE – to the lives of ALL Hungarians – now and into the FUTURE – from whatever “station in life” they come.
    Peter Marki-Zay – We are Masters of our Fate and the Captains of our Souls.

  3. Istvan – I do trust you are wrong on this occassion.
    If – Peter Marki -Zay is a GOFER – that will be a Cataclysmic Disaster – for this “under powered” supposed Opposition in the up-coming National Elections – May 2022.
    Politics – in Hungary – NEEDS to bury get rid of the names Gyurcsany/Dobrev.
    Never have been – never will be individuals who have the vision talent and Political ability to take Hungary forward.
    The luggade on there shoulders – the scars still felt by citizens in the time of Gyurcsany – FAILED – position as Prime Minister – they must for ALL of Hungary – be sent off.
    The opposition if they continue to be GOFERS to these (2) two names – there Political Ideas and Philosophy – Perilous for Hungary.

  4. The style indicates that Caritas and Norbert is the same person.
    Where did you learn this style of writing? It is not like Hungarians or Americans use English.
    No offense intended. Just curious.

    It is possible that you do not understand how the Hungarian election system works. While in some countries the President is elected by the people, in Hungary, “… the President shall appoint the leader of the political party with the majority of the votes in the Parliament as Prime Minister.”

    “The outcome of the opposition’s prime ministerial primary is irrelevant because the balance of power among Hungary’s political parties is determined by how many seats they each hold in parliament, a government official told the Saturday edition of the daily Magyar Nemzet.”

    That is why I said that “Márki-Zay is the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Apró gang’s Trojan horse. He is nothing without them.”

  5. Well, Joe Biden won the US election by not being Trump. Is it enough for Márki-Zay to win not being Fidesz? It would help to have some specific ideas for addressing the most glaring issues has.

  6. Well, Joe Biden won the US election by not being Trump. Is it enough for Márki-Zay to win not being Fidesz? It would help to have some specific ideas for addressing the most glaring issues has.

  7. Thank-You – Istvan.
    It is complex and trying to stay “middle ground” – a problem.
    Don’t like “sitting on the fence’ rather take a position which is difficult looking at the present Government and Opposition at this point of time.
    Do think Fidesz are in line for a return to office at this stage,
    I hope we see a Robust lead up to the National Elections May 2022 – which in the end would be a good thing for the future of Hungary.
    Thank-You again for going “gentle” on me and passing on, fundamentals of the process the election to office of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

  8. Ungaro: Well, Joe Biden won the US election by not being Trump.

    Senile Biden didn’t win the election. His communist democrats stole the election for him after President Trump won the election. Senile Biden “said his team has created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Illegal votes were counted, many just copied over and over for Biden in mostly black large American cities. They counted dead people and nonexistent people. They could get away with anything and they did.

    Hungarian election laws require voter identification and registration. When you vote in Hungary, the election official loops-up your name on a list of registered voters. You show your ID to prove that you are who you say you are. There are always error and some cheating in most elections but nothing like the last American election could happen in Hungary. The anti-Hungarian opposition will still claim voter fraud but the will be lying. The Hungarian people just have no use for the likes of “szemkilövető” Gyurcsány and his wife, the “hóhér unokája” Dobrev.

  9. Caritas, I understand what you are saying and agree with you but only after careful reading. It could be my advanced age.

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