Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Kyrgyz, and Filipinos will come to work in Hungary

Zoltán Karácsony, an expert on HR Portal, told Világgazdaság that there are 25 licensed companies in Hungary bringing guest workers to Hungary from the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Kyrgyzstan.
Interestingly, the government campaigned before the 2015 migration crisis that no migrants could take the jobs of the Hungarians. However, the world has changed since then. Now, the Hungarian economy needs more and more workers, but the jobs it offers are no longer attractive for Hungarians. For example, we know the new Chinese battery plants will welcome thousands of guest workers.
The answer is easy. Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians live and work abroad. That is because they can get multiple times the Hungarian salaries in Austria, Germany, or the United Kingdom. Their workforce is badly needed in Hungary, but they will not return for such low-added value jobs offering non-compatible salaries. Therefore, Hungary needs guest workers.
No chance to remain in Hungary for the guest workers
According to the government-close Világgazdaság, they come mostly from Central and Southeastern Asia. It is probably not by chance that new flights are launched to these regions. For example, the one going to Uzbekistan’s Tashkent has been announced recently.
Mr Karácsony said that Hungarian companies could not find suitable workforce in the industry, service, and hotel sector. Világgazdaság argues that there can be 0.5 million new workplaces in Hungary in the next few years. Therefore, we need 200-300 thousand more guest workers above the current 100,000.
State secretary Sándor Czomba said last week that the parliament made it easier for them to come and work in Hungary. However, they will have no chance to remain here.
The number of open positions is rising. For example, Hungarian companies need welders, truck drivers (we wrote HERE about Indian female drivers coming to Hungary), and forklift drivers. Despite the parliament’s easing, the administration for the guest workers still lasts 14-15 weeks.
Hungary doesn’t need guest workers! It is the same game they played in Western Europe at the end of the 1950 ties. The politicians in power got rid of a huge number of young natives, telling them there was no future. Pushing immigration to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. After they were gone, they started importing “guest workers” (aka third world migrants) in the beginning of the 1960 ties because there were no workers. Those migrants never left. We know what happened in Western Europe. Now the same is happening in Hungary decades later. Why allowing many big international companies into Hungary while Orbán knew there are no Hungarians enough to fill the positions? He knew thousands of third world migrants would be needed and change the ethnic makeup of Hungary. Like in Western Europe. His actions speak for themselves, Only the Hungarians can stop these scammers.
“Only the Hungarians can stop these scammer” – CORRECT.
Its all part of the Orban propaganda show, that is DESTROYING rapidly Hungary.
Comments made by Geza Hegedus factually capture what has occurred and the somewhat disasters in Society, this political driven decision has caused.
SOLIDARITY of the Hungarian people.
Taking matters somewhat into there own hands through ORDERLY conducted protests using information technology as the” engine room” – showing OBJECTION & REJECTION – to the path of destruction – the direction – that Orban & his Government – have sent Hungary.
It WORSENS – and its in the citizens/peoples hands of Hungary – PEOPLE POWER – to take accelerated orderly actions to FIX it.
The comments from the person under varying aliases using interspersed CAPs are amusing. Does s/he think the gov’t will allow these temp workers to stay there like Germany did? No way!
Of course they will. It’s in the economic interest of both government and industry to permit them to stay as long as they want to. No employer would voluntarily want to divest of trained and reliable workforce, only to have to replace them with new and completely inexperienced fresh arrivals. On paper it’ll be 2+1 years, that’ll be rolled over for existing workers by putting them through the system as new recruits, then there will be a convenient change of law and since by then they’ll have lived in the country for 6 years or more, they’ll be able to claim permanent residence and bring their families to Hungary, as is only right and proper that they should if this is the economic and social path the government wishes to pursue. The great difference with the foreign migration experienced in western Europe in the 50s and 60s is that relative to the size of the population, it is now happening in Hungary with frightening speed, driven by the acute labour shortages that are being largely artificially generated by the rapid establishment of major investments the country cannot possibly hope to staff up from its existing native population.
This is a never-ending downward spiral as relatively cheap foreign recruits will serve to supress the ability of unions to negotiate growth in real wages, thus causing Hungary to fall economically ever further behind its central European cohorts and indeed, the more prosperous countries of western Europe. Meanwhile, large quantities of ‘guest workers’ will breed social division and dissatisfaction in a country with zero recent history of inward migration. In tandem the two will serve to maintain (or even increase) emigration of young Hungarians, serving to generate ever more acute labour shortages that need to be plugged with foreign workers. In two decades from now Hungarian cities will be as diverse as any in western Europe, much to the chagrin of Fidesz voters who thought they’re voting to maintain the status quo. A significant chunk of the Hungarian population will seek to take matters into their own hands and make life a misery for these hapless foreign workers while seeking to hound them out of the country with the hope they’ll move away.