Hungarian Ambassador to Peru involved in child pornography

Several independent sources have confirmed that Gábor Kaleta, Hungarian ambassador to Peru was arrested and deprived of his ambassador status due to his involvement with a child pornography network. Foreign Affairs were trying to be quiet about the events, although at an ambassadors’ meeting one of the ministers told the attendees anonymously what happened to Kaleta, Index reports.
Although there were rumours that last Spring TEK (Hungarian Counter Terrorism Center) was the one who brought home to Hungary, Gábor Kaleta, the Hungarian ambassador to Peru, who came to the attention of authorities when a global child pornography network went down, these rumours have been refuted.
The capture of Kaleta is linked to an international police operation led by the Spanish police and assisted by Europol. The operation involved several countries. Suspects were also detained in Syria, Pakistan, Italy, India, France, Guatemala, the United Kingdom, Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica. In Peru, two people were arrested during the operation.

In an earlier interview, Gábor Kaleta talked about the elementary school in Székesfehérvár – which is now known as vízivárosi (‘Waterville’) – he went to as a child. Later, he spent his high school years from 1989 in Pannonhalma Benedictine High School. “I was only 14 when I moved, but my permanent address has been in Székesfehérvár ever since. So Székesfehérvár is my home, but unfortunately, due to the nature of my profession and duties, I can only spend very little time there” – Kaleta said.
To lighten up the mood to some extent I would recommend you to read our other articles on the site. Take, for example, these two: In this, the US Ambassador gives tips to make the most of your visit to Budapest, and in this other one, the British Ambassador sent a video message to Hungarians.
He joined the Department of State in 2001 and worked for the US Department for a long time. After that, he was off duty in Los Angeles, then returned to the American Department. Later he became press officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then held the same position at the Ministry of Justice. He then worked for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, then at the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean. Kaleta finally became an ambassador in Lima in 2017.
In response to Index’s request, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade responded as follows: “On 1 April 2019, the President of the Republic revoked the ambassador status of Gábor Kaleta on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Therefore, we cannot provide further information. “
In the Hungarian Gazette in April 2019, the following text was published: “Pursuant to Article 9 paragraph (4) item (b) of the Hungarian Constitution, I – to the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade – have relieved Dr Gábor Kaleta of his duties as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Hungarian Embassy in Lima, and as Representative of the Bolivian Plurinational State, and deprive him of his status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary”.