Hungarian, Austrian defence ministers see Austrian military unit off to Hungary-Serbia border

Nickelsdorf, Austria, November 3 (MTI) – Hungarian Defence Minister István Simicskó and Hans Peter Doskozil, his Austrian counterpart, addressed the departure ceremony of an Austrian military contingent for Hungary in the border village of Nickelsdorf (Miklósfalva) on Thursday.

The unit will join the 20 Austrian police officers who currently help Hungary in patrolling its border with Serbia. Their mission will last for six months.

Addressing the farewell ceremony, Simicskó stressed the importance of joint efforts in tackling illegal mass migration faced by European countries over the past one and a half years.

Miklóshalma, 2016. november 3. Simicskó István honvédelmi miniszter (b) kezet fog Hans Peter Doskozil osztrák védelmi miniszterrel a magyar-szerb határ mentén szolgálatot teljesítõ osztrák katonai kontingens elindításán Miklóshalmán (Nickelsdorf) 2016. november 3-án. Ausztria mûszaki századot küld a magyar-szerb határhoz, amely a határvédelmi feladatokat segíti majd; a bevetés hat hónapig tart. Jelenleg húsz osztrák rendõr támogatja a magyarországi határvédelmet. MTI Fotó: Filep István
Photo: MTI

“We must prepare for protecting the EU’s external borders in what is expected to be a long-term mission,” he added.

Doskozil urged European level efforts to protect the bloc’s external borders and conclude agreements on sending migrants back to their countries of origin.

The Austrian minister also called for negotiations about the redistribution of migrants within Europe and about asylum procedures.

Orosz Zoltán; Simicskó István

Photo: MTI

Source: MTI

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