Hungarian criminal gang targeted the elderly in Northern Ireland

A Hungarian criminal gang consisting of three men and one woman mainly targeting the elderly, robbed their homes in Co Fermanagh County in Northern Ireland.

According to Belfast Telegraph, the gang has been going at it for years, they have robbed old people’s homes on at least 50 occasions. Their oldest victim was 96 years old.

The Hungarian criminals entered each home with different reasons, like searching for their missing dog or asking for directions to find a street.

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Alex Kozak, a 28-year-old member of the gang is accused of insurance fraud and driving without permission beside the break-ins. The criminals were most active last summer when they entered several apartments and houses in just a few days. They were finally arrested in August and now they were denied bail by the authorities.

Their applications were denied because the head investigator thinks there is a good chance they would flee the country.

For now, they remain in custody.

These robberies where not their first offences and they are currently being proceeded on many charges in Ireland and Hungary as well. Kozak has been convicted of armed robbery among many other crimes before.

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  1. I I am British and live in Hungary.
    For the last 3 1/2years Hungarian criminals were doing damage to my property, assaulted me but Authorities are siding with their iwn- backing criminals.
    So Ireland lock them up in accordance with the law.
    Keep public safe away from criminals.

  2. As a Hungarian I would like to ask that the government of Magyar Orsza’g have extra harsh punishments for any and all Hungarian citizens who bring shame on the country within the borders but especially outside the borders of Hungary. A few bad apples destroyed lawfully will keep the rest in good condition for the future.

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