Hungarian government: Hungarian EU presidency ‘brought common sense to Brussels’
The Hungarian European Union presidency brought common sense to Brussels, a government official for EU affairs said on Monday.
Hungarian EU presidency evaluated
While Europe is still under migration pressure, the problems can at last be addressed thanks to the Hungarian EU presidency, Barna Pál Zsigmond, parliamentary state secretary for EU affairs, told a press conference on the topic of illegal migration. He said Hungary’s programme had given “real answers to real problems”, adding that Hungary’s was the “most successful EU presidency ever”.
The official also noted Hungary’s efforts towards boosting the bloc’s competitiveness, strengthening its defence industry, promoting enlargement and a farmer-focused agricultural policy. But combatting irregular migration and protecting the external borders was its top priority, he added. The state secretary said Hungary had always taken a common-sense and prudent stance on the issue of migration.
He said the EU’s migration pact was a “flawed legal document” that insisted on “quotas and migrant ghettos”. Instead of stopping illegal migration the policies encouraged it, he insisted. With the recent terrorist attacks, illegal migration was increasingly seen as a security risk, he said, arguing that effective action included protecting the external borders, operating an expulsion system and combatting human smugglers. All this was possible with a “right-wing turn in Brussels and member states”, he added. Hungary, he declared, would not turn into “an immigration country”, and 2025 would herald change in this respect.
György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief advisor on domestic security, said that the situation in 2024 had remained unchanged in terms of where migrants were coming from and activity of human smugglers, adding that Soros NGOs continued to finance migration. He also referred to “no-go zones”, severe terrorist acts and widespread violence against women. The left-liberal media, he said, paid scant attention to this.
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If Fidesz is actually capable of “giving real answers to real problems” why not give real answers to all of the very real problems that exist in Hungary – endemic corruption, poverty, health care and education and the railway system in crisis, food inflation and the highest VAT in the world. Does anyone actually believe that Hungary had “the most successful EU presidency ever”. Is that what they tell you on Fidesz TV?
Delusional fidezs politicians. They can not fix their home country and they want to fix the eu
When, on a near daily basics, we read, we hear – confirmation GROWING – of the TOXIC Cultures – conduct acts of Heinous practices, that continue to exposed and exist in and under the Victor Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary, just Un-Acceptable.
This “Creed” of corruption and wrongfulness – continues to HUMILIATE growing millions of “disgruntled / disillusioned” Hungarians and the name Hungary.
Orban – the Fidesz Party, they HAVE no platform – GROUNDS – of being maintained as the Government of Hungary, that as time moves on, what STILL is to be REVEALED to Hungarians, that will be PROVEN as FACT & Truth, that “piles” onto the already known “toxic culture” – the Heinous practices – of this Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary – will BE mindboggling.
Solidarity of the PEOPLE – in the cities, in the villages, in the “hamlets” of Hungary – the population just to STOP and THINK – we are a cataclysmic disaster, a country rapidly SINKING – a FUTURE as a country that is of GRAVE un-certainty, that NOTHING is getting cheaper to LIVE in Hungary.
Hungarians must THINK, think, think – and DECIDE knowing Orban – the Fidesz Political Party have caused the DESTRUCTION of Hungary, who POLITICALLY – what Party be it under Democracy or COMMUNISM / Dictatorship – is going to offer me, my life, my family, my grand-children, future generations of Hungarians, what POLITICAL Party – is GOING to give my life HOPE ???
Solidarity – the POWER of People, the voice of PEOPLE – fighting the Orban led Fidesz Government – on TRUTH and Facts that just ensure there OBLIVATION as a Government of Hungary, that may leave us, as a country of HOPE.
What I find rather disturbing about all of this is that, instead of the understanding that all human beings are born free and equal and should be treated the same way, some are keen to reinstate a hierarchy of “better” and “worse” humans. Due to different skin tone, language, religion (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, etc. The Übermensch, Üntermensch, thing.
So why the big departure from what is set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
TLDR – the UDHR is the document document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, enshrining the rights and freedoms of all human beings. Key reasons being the atrocities of WW2, including the Holocaust, widespread violence, and human rights abuses, which underscored the need for a global framework to protect human dignity and prevent future atrocities. Moreover, all nations (everyone voted in favour) were convinced that ensuring fundamental rights for all people would contribute to global peace and prevent conflicts. The UDHR was seen as a way to uphold justice, equality, and respect for human dignity, which were deemed essential for long-term stability.