Hungarian First Lady and Cardinál Erdő gave Christmas presents for 250 children

Cardinal Péter Erdő, the Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, and First Lady Anita Herczegh on Saturday gave out packages to 250 children living in poverty at the Sacred Heart Church in Budapest’s 12th district.

Erdő greeted the children and said Jesus was present in all children. “When we give to you, we do so as if we gave to the Baby Jesus,” he said.

Sacred Heart Church Children Poverty
Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and the Hungarian First Lady gave out packages to children living in poverty
Photo: MTI/Mohai Balázs

read also: Hungary’s First Lady draws attention to foundation helping children orphaned by Covid

Miklós Soltész, the state secretary responsible for state and church relations, told MTI that 2021 was a “busy year” for charity organisations, starting with the aid sent to the victims of an earthquake in central Croatia, to supporting children who lost parents to the coronavirus pandemic through the Regőczi Foundation.

Students of Catholic schools assembled 450 packages from donations, addressed to specific children. The rest of the packages will be distributed in rural Hungary and Transcarpathia.

Source: MTI

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