Hungarian MEP appointed rapporteur for African education development
The European Parliament’s Committee on Development (DEVE) has appointed György Hölvényi, an MEP of Hungary’s co-ruling Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) as standing rapporteur for education in developing countries, especially Africa.

Hölvényi told MTI on Tuesday that his two-year mandate involves assessing the state of education in Africa to obtain reliable data, and monitoring the use of the nearly 8 billion euros the European Commission had allocated to that purpose.
Progress in education is impossible until elementary schooling is in its current “insufficient” state, and hundreds of millions of children receive no education whatsoever, Hölvényi said. In view of the population boom underway, the number of teachers must be steeply increased by 2030 even to maintain the current level of basic education, he said.
Meanwhile, vocational training must be brought up to 21st-century levels in Africa, and include technological knowledge and other subjects, the lack of which is currently in the way of implementing planned investments in the continent, he said.
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