Hungarian young adults leave the nest later than the EU average
Statistics from 2019 reveal that over 40% of young adults (aged 25-34) still live with their parents in Hungary. Males are more likely to stay at the so-called “mama hotel” than females.
A survey by Eurostat reveals that 40.8% of Hungarian young adults (aged 25-34) still live with their parents. In the European Union, young adults on average leave the family home at the age of 26. In Hungary, people leave the nest around the age of 27.2, Pénzcentrum reports.
Data also shows that males tend to stay longer at their parents’ house in almost all EU member states.
Boys seem to be having a harder time leaving the nest than girls: 48.1% of the male respondents reported to still live with their parents while 32.4% of female respondents said that they live at their family homes.
Why are they staying for so long?
An index by K&H Bank reveals the main reasons why young adults decide to stay at the family home. Turns out, 6 out of 10 Hungarians simply cannot afford to live on their own.
- 34% are waiting to have a steady income
- 25% consider the situation more comfortable than living alone
- 21% would consider moving out if they were in a serious relationship
- 17% do not feel ready to start an independent life
- 12% cannot move out because they need to take care of their parents
- 8% do not plan to move out at all
Based on the data gathered by K&H Bank, 32% of young adults in Hungary receive monthly financial support from their parents, 28% of them said that they do not actually need it, and 26% said that they would need much more.
68% of students reported getting financial aid from their family while 20% of people who have jobs do so too. Parents help their children with an average of 55 Euros, but the amount varies from 15 Euros to 290 Euros per month.
Read alsoEurostat: Hungary among the poorest EU countries again
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No doubt 80% want their mother to do their washing, ironing, cleaning, food shopping and cooking. An expectation no doubt learnt from their fathers or ither older males within their family group. It’s high time that these boys and young men, if staying at ‘hotel mum and dad’ did their fareshare if housework etc.
If they want to stay home after they turn 18 let them if they will pay room and board for full service from hotel mom and dad. Why should parents let their adult children sponge off of them once they are able to make their own way? They pay a set agreed upon amount each week or bi-weekly to cover food, maid service, utility bills and other household common expenses.
#Jack: For once we are in agreement! The only point that I have reservations about is the ‘maid service’ – these young (or not so young) men should help with household chores, not leave it all to their mothers. There is no shame in learning how to do ironing (you have to do it in the army), no shame in learning how to cook (most top chefs are men) and no harm in cleaning and vacuuming the home (they don’t seem to think twice about doing that in their cars…).
Paulus and Jack – make pertinent comments.
The expression – “There is No Place like Home” – to have the affinity for one’s home environs, over every other place, which literally means, that the home, is the best of places to be.
There must come a time – to get out amongst the happenings of the world, and hopefully, being prepared, to face all of the challenges of the 21st century, that we ALL live.
Mothers & Fathers – do deserve free time.
They do the hard preparation work, before the move out into the world, by there children, and deserve – lives of sharing it together.
Vast majority of children who move out, always know, where home is, and that the front door in large proportion of numbers, is always open to them.
Stay Well – ALL.