The silent epidemic in Hungary: Flu cases surge unchecked!

In recent weeks, a major influenza (flu) epidemic has emerged in Hungary, which has almost completely displaced the dominance of the COVID-19 virus in respiratory illnesses. The current wave of the epidemic is considered particularly severe, yet no emergency measures have been introduced at a central level.

Instead, it has become the responsibility of individuals, communities and institutions to organise control. Health authorities are only providing information on the current number of cases through the usual weekly reports, while hospitals are under considerable pressure.

Flu Hungary Healthcare
Source: Pixabay

Increasing numbers of patients and local control strategies

According to, health institutions in Hungary have put in place strict measures to slow the spread of the virus. Visitor bans and mandatory mask-wearing have been introduced in several places. The number of cases of the flu is rising dramatically: in the third week of the year, 53,800 people consulted a doctor with flu-like symptoms. This figure is not only a year-on-year increase but also a rare long-term rise.

Orsolya Surján, Deputy National Medical Officer, confirmed in statements that the flu has now taken the lead among respiratory infections. The virus had already crossed the epidemic threshold before Christmas, but the pace of infections accelerated particularly in the first weeks of the New Year.

Flu Hungary Healthcare
Source: Pixabay

Hospitals are also under increasing pressure. In the third week of the year, 250 people were admitted with acute respiratory infections, 29 of whom required intensive care, a rate of 11.6%. This is the highest rate so far this season and shows a downward trend compared to the same period last year. Experts say the epidemic could worsen in the coming weeks. Laboratory tests have shown that the influenza virus, rather than Covid-19, is dominant and responsible for the vast majority of cases.

Why is the flu spreading so quickly?

Current weather and social conditions are conducive to the spread of upper respiratory diseases, including the flu. The cold spell means people spend more time indoors, which helps to transmit the virus. In addition, the return to schools, workplaces and other communities after the holidays has contributed greatly to the rapid resurgence of the epidemic. To make matters worse, many people are not using personal protection strategies such as masking or disinfection. In addition, there is no local or national campaign to promote vaccination, which further increases the number of cases.

Individual responsibility and local action are at the heart of the fight against the flu. Doctors continue to recommend vaccination against both the flu and Covid-19. Wearing a mask in crowded places is particularly recommended for those who experience symptoms.

Flu Hungary Healthcare
Source: Pixabay

Overall, the current pandemic situation requires serious attention and action. The lack of central awareness and action has made the responsibility of individuals and communities key to slowing the spread. The reasons behind the rapid spread are clear: adverse weather conditions, community returns and lack of control strategies have all contributed to the scale of the epidemic. Experts say prevention and vaccination can still be effective tools to improve the situation.

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  1. Larry

    Influenza vaccination each fall is a must. It all depends on how close the match of the vaccine is with the strains of influenza that are circulating but it can range from a 50 to 90% match. Avoiding vaccination is simply not worth being sick for days and having to take time off work as well as spreading it to family members.

  2. Larry, I wonder if all these vaccines are specifically designed to enrich big pharma..I believe covid was a massive hoax and i think we need to return to nature..things like honey,herbs,spices etc…300 years ago you could be branded as a witch for such suggestions but healing is in knowledge of what is available in nature.Forget your flu vaccination and build your immune defense naturally.

  3. Larry

    Good luck Patrick. You’re going to need it.

  4. Aniko

    Three COVID vaccines, taking brancho vaxom, still got the flu in December and again now. Not even onions and garlic are helping.

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