Iranian student with coronavirus talks honestly about Budapest hospital situation on Instagram
Iranian student under quarantine in Budapest denies all accusations regarding her supposedly violent behaviour towards stuff and refusing to follow the rules. She talks honestly about what is going on inside the hospital walls on Instagram.
As we have reported earlier, Hungary confirmed the first coronavirus cases at the beginning of March 2020. Two Iranian students, though symptom-free, were diagnosed with COVID-19 and were taken to Budapest’s St. László Hospital. reports that one of these Iranian students, who has been under quarantine for four days, has been reporting live on Instagram about the situation inside the hospital.
The student reacted on Instagram to the accusations that surfaced in state press about certain Iranian students who were violent in the hospital.
The student denied going around the rules, and she claims that she never behaved violently towards the authorities. She has been trying to cooperate ever since she has been under quarantine. Even though the staff speaks very little English at the hospital, she has always tried to follow every rule and behave appropriately.
The student has been under quarantine for four days, and she is expected to stay for at least two weeks. So far, she has been tested once, and the results came back negative. She does not know when the second test is going to be taken.
The student has also shed light on the fact that the hospital does not have enough capacity to separate those who test positive from those whose tests come back negative. For example, the other Iranian student (who tested negative on two tests) was placed in the same room with another patient who had a high fever, was coughing, and tested positive for COVID-19.
The student also said that hospital staff asked people who tested positive for the virus not to upset other patients in the same room by broadcasting the news, better keep it to themselves in order to avoid panic. Some patients were not willing to withhold this information from their roommates, and in that matter, they did break the rules, she said.
The student also said that WHO and other international protocols are not being followed in the hospital.
Read alsoNumber of Hungary coronavirus cases rises to 9 – UPDATE
Featured image: MTI
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This has been making rounds in Hungarian opposition media. Great to know the two sides of the coin.
However, I would love to see the instagram of this Iranian student – if he is posting live about the situation with the intent of keeping people informed, we should see it.
Privát üzenetben a hölgy instagram oldalának címét szeretném elkérni! Köszönöm!
I would like to shed light on some false information on your article. I am the person referred to as having been placed with someone with fever history, coughing, and runny nose. I already tested negative twice, and am NOT Iranian. The Hungarian girl that was placed next to me thankfully was negative- I believe so because of watching the news and no Hungarian national living in Budapest have been know to test positive in the past two days. However, my point was the nurses put her into my room despite me having explained my situation in Hungarian, and she still said she can’t do anything about it due to lack of beds. I had to directly talk with two doctors, after waiting for them for an hour, to finally move her from the same room due to potential risks the doctors themselves recognized. I couldn’t find your email so I just left a comment. I can contact you directly if you leave your email. Thank you.
Dear Andrea and Gergö, this person stopped posting things on instagram because some conservative media used her private photos, not blurred at all, without her consent in their article. Also, there were many hatred-filled messages sent to her among sweet, supportive messages. She decided she is not ready for this much attention of her face being in articles that oppose her, and receiving hate messages that she is not posting anymore.
Dear Person!
I am sorry.
Well, not surprised at all. We are in Hungary. I am sorry for the foreigners, but one little good thing in this situation: whenever I was telling my stories about the faschist dictatorship and the human right issues in Hungary, foreigners did not believe me.
Now the world shall learn a bit more about the incompetence and brutality of the ‘hungarian’ authorities AND our health care ‘service’.
Here the real problem is not the virus.. but the 2 legged viruses.
I am not an opposition political party sympathizer. Just a man in this country.
Wishing the best for all, guys!
Take care!
I am one who can confirm about the bad handling in that hospital. Understaffed, no communication, a LOT of mistakes. Police came to our house to basically lock us in, and all for nothing. The suspected person tested negative, as the first test already said, but still they wanted to do quarantine.
Calling the global number is of no use. They have no clue what they are talking about, promise callbacks… I am still waiting, a week later.
Also the Government of Health, whom I had heated discussions with, are not giving information. Barely speak English, interrupt you when talking, don’t take it serious at all. She even confessed on the phone that indeed, the protocol that they need to follow is a BIG mess and completely inaccurate.
Well, if the Health officers already say that…
I rest my case.
In our case it was, of course, a false alarm, because nobody had the decency to listen. Yet, the person was put in the same rooms with positive tested persons.
It’s idiotic.
Ezt a legkönnyebb mondani h rasszisták/fasiszták a magyarok. Eleve magamból kiindulva amikor egy kisebb országba megyek nem várhatom el hogy mindenki beszélje az angol nyelvet. Lengyelek, spanyolok, olaszok, rengeteg helyen nem beszélnek angolul a franciákat nem is említve.
Másrészt nem hiszem hogy az orvosok között ne lett volna valaki aki beszéli a nyelvet.
A rendszer nem tökéletes de ezek az emberek a korhazi protokollt kovették.
Nem volt bennuk utálat vagy rasszizmus.
De ha mondjuk azt a két embert kiengedik a második teszt előtt, több kockázatot vállaltak volna.
A korházak tulterheltek mindig is azok voltak. Kivancsi lennék hogy az itt- a Magyar korhazi dolgozokat látatlanban elítélő- kommentelő emberek hogyan oldották volna meg a helyzetet.