Justice Minister Judit Varga: “without Hungary, there is no united Europe”

Justice Minister Judit Varga marked the anniversary of Hungary’s joining the European Union on May 2004, on Saturday.
“Europe used to be a dream of an alliance of Christian nations,” Varga said in an English-language post on Facebook, adding that “for us, it is no longer a dream but a reality, a goal that we will always work for”.
She also said that “without Hungary, there is no united Europe”.
When Hungary joined the EU “we believed we had joined a European community that, carrying on the spirit of the EU’s founding fathers, would form a strong Europe based on strong nations.”
“Over time, however, it has become clear that it is not in everyone’s interest to preserve the legacy left by our ancestors,” she added.
- Critical voices of the US government target Hungary – VIDEO
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“From 2010, instead of constructive debates, a political witch-hunt began, whereas common sense no longer matters while dialogues have been replaced by smear campaigns motivated by ideological reasons,” Varga said.
“Despite all the difficulties and hostility, we remain, even though many in Brussels want the opposite,” she added.
Source: MTI
Hungary represents a mere 1 / 45 th of the population of the EU and 1 50 th of the EU’s surface area. This alone tells how pathetic are varga’s words. It is Hungary that needs the EU, not the other way around. Hungarians know it well, since they are strongly against “Huxit”. And Victorinu the beggar too knows it well.
Mario’s post is a good clue into what went awefully wrong with the EU
For once it is NOT the size but the geographical position that counts.
The desperadoes are Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal – NOT HUNGARY.
She has obviously not acquainted herself with QVM, Qualified Majority Voting Rules. There are a whole host of things that can be introduced or changed without Unanimity. The EU adults are busy finding ways to ensure that little tails (who ever they may be) cannot wag the big dog ever again.
I wonder which light bulb factory made Varga? She is incredibly dim.
Braveheart, i’d rather say that it is varga’s words which prove that something went very wrong with Hungary. We are twenty-seven members in this Union, but nobody is essential and nobody is forced to stay. We survived the Brexit, and we are talking of the U.K. which is a world giant, we shall easily survive a Huxit.
I do not wish Hungary to leave, but since when one dictates policies to twenty-six? If Orbán and his ministers think the EU is so bad, well, there is the door, good-bye and best of luck. Simple.
I am sure the EU is regretting the decision to add Hungary. Taking funds from the EU all the time and crying all the time that the EU is against them.
Using the EU as a distraction from your corruption.
You all choose to ignore the fact that the EU changed some of its laws to gain firmer control over member countries as it deemed necessary.
Hence the resultant “unhappiness”.
Trust me, many of the member states have feelings of discontent they just don’t dare voice it.
Furthermore, Hungary contributes to the EU economy.
If the EU can survive without the UK….I am sure they can survive without the Great Hungarian Empire
OBSERVER – Hungary takes out far more than it puts into the EU financially. Take 2018 for instance. Hungary paid in 1.076 billion euros to the EU but received 6.298 billion euros from the EU. Hungary, since joining has never been a nett contributor of funds to the EU.
Wait! If HU GDP for 2018 is 160 billion Euros with 5.4% growth… And in excess of 5 billion Euros was essentially financial aid / free money… That means …. “Growth” would be rather lackluster without the EU’s meddling? Oops!