Critical voices of the US government target Hungary – VIDEO

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has serious concerns when it comes to the current situation of the Hungarian media.
American Secretary of State Antony Blinken participated in a closed, online conference on Wednesday to discuss issues raised by representatives of 8 media outlets from their respective countries. Apart from Hungary, journalists from 7 countries were invited who work either in a country or in a region where the freedom of the press is under attack in any way. It was the first time that Blinken gave an interview to a Hungarian news agency since his inauguration in February.
Ever since he took office,
he has raised his voice on more than one occasion to express his concerns regarding diverse issues in Hungary.
For instance, he criticised the Hungarian government and
warned his country’s allies to avoid cooperation with backsliding democracies like Hungary.
This time, answering questions posed by Hungarian media outlet Telex, Blinken said that he and his office had serious worries when it came to the “decline of media pluralism” in Hungary. He added that spokespersons of media freedom on an international level but even many Hungarian people share his views. “Diversity of independent voices and diversity of independent opinions; that is the fabric of democracy”, he said.
He and his office urge the Hungarian government to promote an open media environment.
Then, he went on to talk about Europe as an important centre of geopolitical competition, mentioning Russia and China as huge forces working against integration by undermining the democratic and sovereign will of several Central and Southern European countries.
As the Secretary of State said, both
the USA and the EU believe that trying to cement democratic norms, the rule of law, and cooperation based on common values will serve their best interests.
Freedom of the press and freedom of expression need to be included in this process to be successful.
He talked about the “irony” of how Hungary was held back and restrained for many decades in its ability to express itself, resulting from Soviet domination. The fact that the country managed to emerge from this oppression but now has growing concerns about press pluralism goes against the will of Hungarians.
After the harsh criticism, he made sure to express that the
USA and the Biden-Harris administration are committed to strengthening the ties with their NATO ally
and will do so by supporting democratic institutions, the rule of law, and human rights as their core principles.
Moreover, the same day, Magyar Hang wrote that the American Embassy answering their questions stated the concerns of the United States regarding the new Fudan University that is set to build a campus in Budapest.
Orbán cabinet signs strategic deal with China’s Fudan University
The Embassy writes that Beijing has been proved to use its institutions of higher education to gain harmful influence and to oppress intellectual freedom.
Antony Blinken, since occupying his office, has talked to half of the world either through a call or in person. Based on publicly attainable data, a bilateral conversation with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó has not happened yet. The only time they met each other was at a
Here, you can listen to the complete answer of Antony Blinken to the questions asked by Telex.
At this point in time, The US is sliding towards Marxism. In the US many journalist have been censored for having a differing opinion that runs afoul of the views of the left leaning media outlets. The US Government would do well to keep their mouth shut and take care of their own problems at home. Just more of the US trying to force its will upon those who reject being vasal states of the USA. Eastern Europe does NOT need advice from a dying empire at this time. The citizens of Hungary have voice their opinion at the voting booth and candidates with left leaning tired ideas in the past few election cycles were rejected by most Hungarian voters. Joe Bidet and his cabinet are puppets of the globalist terrorist known as George Soro’s.
The Blinken speech….. Huh?…. Wha?…. Sure…. Whatever…… Szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Another Soros puppet!
How dare Blinken, Biden or the US criticize Hungary.
1. At most, only about 50% of the Americans support the Biden regime.
2. No one elected the US president as the leader or arbitrator of the world.
3. Biden presently bankrupting the US by Marxist policies.
4. There is total chaos in large American cities, people are forced to arm themselves with guns to protect family and property.
5. There is total chaos at the US border, hordes of invaders, some rapist, murderers, drug dealers and even terrorist are entering the country to kill the American people and Biden is not putting stop to this.
6. Hungary does not need the US friendship, Hungary is great friends with China and Russia, does Biden really want to tangle with those large and powerful nations, probably not.
7. The US betrays its friends, example, Kerry, foreign minister, betrayed Israel to Iran. US cannot be trusted.
8. The EU does not want US influence, nor the influence of US globalists. German, France and other EU countries are laughing at the chaos and incompetence of Biden.
9. The US lost all military engagements since Vietnam, there are only Woke generals left in their arm forces who are totally useless.
10. The US should try to enforce its laws, protect its people and definitely keep his nose out of other people’s business. It is time for the US to realize NOBODY RESPECTS OR WANTS THEM.
***PRESIDENT TRUMP IS SORELY MISSED***** he understood international affairs.
The usual rubbish from the usual hardcore of commentators, each and every one with an unrivalled intellect deficit. They spend their days parroting nonsense which, while it makes for an entertaining read, is also a sad indictment of how their education has miserably failed them.
I thought that the university deal with China was dead in the water?
US secretary of states Anthony Blinken is better off to keeping his mouth shut than meddling in matters that only concern Hungary, because you can’t solve anything with interference, Hungary does not interfere with US affairs either. Grandpa Joe should also stay aloof and play a game of cards in the retirement home, since he came to power the USA has been going downhill.
Anthony Blinken cannot be compared with Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State under Trump, he has a powerful appearance and a good speech.
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS SORELY MISSED?! Along with his expert advice of ingesting or injecting bleach to kill the ‘China virus’. Wow, yes, what a President!
Trump’s a narcissist. You know that, right?
But it’s true.
President Trump did not interfere in other nation’s internal affairs. The Biden administration has an exaggerated self conceit, believes that the world cannot exist without him. It is time that the US solved its internal problems and should stay out of EU concerns in the future.
Irony? – this speech I can call “an irony” xD