Key figure of criminal network dismantled by Eurojust lived in Hungary
A leading figure of the poly-criminal network shut down by European criminal justice agency Eurojust earlier this week who was arrested in Slovakia had previously lived in Hungary, police said on their website on Friday.
The international operation involving law enforcement authorities from 11 countries was aimed at cracking down on the leaders and members of one of the most dangerous criminal networks in the European Union, the operational police force of the National Investigation Bureau (NNI) said in a statement.
The GyÅ‘r department of the NNI’s international crime department also took part in the operation, in cooperation with their Slovak colleagues, the bureau said.
The authorities raided the home of a Slovak married couple in Bezenye, in north-western Hungary, where they found drugs, satellite phones and 35,000 euros in cash. Investigators suspect the couple of drug smuggling.
The operation involved investigations across eight countries and led to 44 arrests, the NNI said.
Source: MTI