This is how many people froze to death by the middle of March in Hungary

According to the Magyar SzociĆ”lis FĆ³rum (Hungarian Social Forum), 192 people froze to death by the middle of March. reports that 54 percent of them passed away outdoors, during the drive to the hospital or at the institution. The other 46 percent died in unheated apartments, and most of these victims were elderly, sick, or severely poor.

The Hungarian Social Forum also states that the number of these tragedies decreased since the last two years. The amount was 203 during the winter of 2017. The forum also explains that this is thanks to the milder weather, not to the government’s actions. The authority continues evicting people and does not stop distress. Therefore,

many citizens have to choose between eating and heating their home.

This is the reason why so many victims freeze to death in their own apartment. And this phenomenon happened due to the inability to pay the bills throughout the country.

The Red Code

The Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities can command this warning.

The Red Code comes into action when the temperature reaches -10 Celsius.

This means that not only those organisations that help homeless people but also those that can give shelter temporarily, have to open to those in need. Potential residing facilities, dispatcher centres, and social workers are also alert during the warning.

KƔroly Czibere, Minister of State for Social Affairs and Social Inclusion, said that the providing system was on 94 percent during the coldest night. Therefore, nobody was forced to spend the night risking their lives.

Photo: MTI


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