„No Migration, No Gender, No War”, a Hungarian village greets visitors

„No Migration, No Gender, No War” is the main communication panel of PM Orbán’s ruling Fidesz-KDNP alliance for the 2024 European parliamentary election. A small Hungarian village put out a sign at its entrance with that slogan.
Jánd is a small village close to the Ukrainian-Hungarian border in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, having a population hardly exceeding 700. Before, at the village entrance, there was a sign saying “Welcome in Jánd”. The incumbent mayor of the small Hungarian village replaced it lately with Orbán’s favourite slogan for the 2024 European parliamentary election: „No Migration, No Gender, No War”.
Locals of the small Hungarian village seem to support the new ‘welcome sign’
The mayor told ATV that he finds nothing problematic in the inscription and that even the opposition in the small village supports Orbán’s policies. He added that 80% of the locals agree with the Orbán quotation displayed at the village border.

ATV asked locals around whether they had met any migrants. However, the reporters of the TV channel could not find anybody who had ever seen an illegal migrant in the settlement. A local said they are afraid of the war, and he feels sorry for those involved in the violence in Ukraine. Jánd is only 10 kilometres away from the Hungarian-Ukrainian border.
The new sign is placed on both village entrances.
Here is the ATV’s report:
Read also:
- Expert: Aggressive Russian provocations on the Hungarian border are probable if Russia wins – Read more HERE
- Orbán: As long as we lead the country, Hungary won’t get into war
Hahaha. What can you expect from eldery people living in a village? What are they not doing mass protest again bringing thousand of “legal” immigrants from asia? Ohhh maybe this elderlies needs someone to pay their retirements?
Welcome to Neanderthal.
“No gender?” Are Hungarians trying to be genderless? Maybe add “No Brains”.
Good for them. They don’t want to turn into Germany.
It’s these ageing, regional, resentful & ‘low info’ types of voters who keep Fidesz in power over the majority of more centrist urban based voters, policies and working age who simply emigrate; too easy to maintain this racket masquerading as a nation….. hiding behind Russian & US white Christian nationalist dog whistles.
Might as well advertise themselves as the androgynous capital of the world where everybody is a Barbie doll without genitals