Minister: “We don’t need people like that in Europe”

Hungary’s government will not give up national interests or the use of common sense, especially since “the two coincide”, the minister of foreign affairs and trade told ruling Fidesz’s 30th party congress on Saturday.

The past four years have seen two great upheavals in the world, bringing crises, conflicts and wars, “but also resulting in the majority of the European political elite practically losing their common sense”.

Szijjártó said some had contracted “war psychosis and think that weapons deliveries will create peace”.

“Others take it as a personal slight if a man takes a woman’s hand in public . yet others are offended that there isn’t a welcoming sign every 50 meters on the green border,” he said.

The European elite is also trying to force those “crazy ideas” on everyone, he said. “With some, they use a phone call, a mean glance, an army of NGOs or media attacks.”

But Hungary “cannot be brought to its knees . not even if they invest tens of millions into the opposition,” he said.

A neighbour of Ukraine, Hungary can see clearly that brokering peace is the only way to save people’s lives, and the circumstances for peace talks are “deteriorating day by day”, he said.

“Those bringing weapons into our neighbourhood are prolonging the war. The longer the war, the more the casualties and the greater the destruction.”

As a millennium-old Christian country, Hungary also “knows that nations are based on families, and a family consists of a father, a mother and children”. “And they can’t withhold so many billions of euros we are entitled to so that we allow NGOs into schools to explain to boys that they can wear girls’ clothes even though they’re boys,” he said.

Regarding migration, Szijjártó said the Hungarian authorities had thwarted 275,000 attempts of illegal entry on the border last year.

“We know that military-trained would-be terrorists who shoot at our border patrols, storm our border fence and ignore our rules will not bring progress to Europe,” Szijjártó said. “We don’t need people like that in Europe, especially not in Hungary, and we will never allow them to enter Hungary, no matter the quotas accepted.”

“Besides standing up for peace, our families, the protection of our children and our country, we will also reject the pressure of the liberal mainstream,” he said.

Hungary will have to be ready for intensifying attacks, and the government will need the strength represented by Fidesz, “Europe’s strongest party family,” he said.

Read also:

  • Special border gendarmerie will be introduced in Hungary? – Read more HERE
  • ISIS, al-Kaida, Taliban and Hamas present in these Hungarian cities and villages near the border – Details in THIS article


  1. Orban, Szijjarto and the rest of Fidesz are aiding fascist aggression by Russia by responding to it with a pacifist propaganda campaign which calls on Ukraine and Europe to surrender to Russia. Failure to stop Russia brings oppression, torture, execution, and complete “ethnic cleansing” of all areas Putin occupies. There is no other option except to oppose Russia. Defeat of Putin’s war of aggression will ensure peace and stability for the EU for many years. Victory by Russia ensures more aggression by Russia in the future against other parts of Europe. The stakes are incredibly high and ask yourself this: Do you want the Russian army on Hungary’s border? If that ever happened Hungary would have be far more heavily militarized as a front-line area. Hungary would have to expend vastly greater sums of money on its’ defence unless the country chooses to leave itself wide-open for Russian invasion. Only a fool or someone who works for Russia (Orban) would ever let Russia take over Ukraine.

  2. There is no evidence that Russia is a threat to Hungary. Russia’s interest, if hostile, is more interested in former members of the Soviet Union. There is such a thing as peaceful coexistence. Russia is probably satisfied having Hungary, like Belgium, a trading partner.

    There are a lot of fear mongers. These people paint a picture that if believed can terrify everyone. Looking at the globe, there is a likely threat of A bombs from N. Korea, N. Korea has the ability to deliver the warhead. Should that mean that no N. American should sleep soundly. Iran is about the develop the same weapon. Then there is China, it has more warships than the US. Should Canadians be shaking in their boots because the US has more warplanes, a large army?

    So, stop with the terrorist mind control. Russia due to its size and resources will probably win. The borders will change. Nothing else will happen. The EU countries will breathe deep once more because extra pressure was removed from their economy and return to business as usual, that occurred after WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and seemingly after Afghanistan. Life just simply goes on.

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