Breaking: New infringement procedure initiated against Hungary

The European Commission has launched a new infringement procedure against Hungary, focusing on the country’s public procurement practices. This action, announced on Wednesday, 12 February, stems from concerns over Hungary’s compliance with EU regulations governing public procurement processes.
The infringement procedure
According to HVG, the European Commission’s decision to initiate this procedure is based on allegations that Hungarian authorities have violated EU rules regarding public procurement procedures. The core issue revolves around a Hungarian law concerning state construction projects, which mandates that authorities use only one specific type of negotiated procedure in cases covered by the law.

According to the Commission, this requirement contradicts the EU directive on public procurement, which stipulates the equal treatment of economic operators and the freedom for contracting authorities to choose the most appropriate procedure for their situation. The Commission argues that by limiting authorities to a single type of negotiated procedure, the Hungarian law deprives contracting authorities of their freedom of choice.
Next steps
As part of the infringement procedure, the European Commission has sent a letter to the Hungarian government, initiating the formal process. The Hungarian authorities now have a two-month window to respond to the Commission’s concerns. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement, the process may escalate to possible financial penalties, another round of correspondence or potential legal action.
Broader context
This new infringement procedure is not an isolated incident. The Commission has also taken action against Hungary and Poland for failing to fully transpose EU electricity market regulations, Telex writes. Additionally, Hungary, along with six other member states, is facing potential court action and fines for not implementing the directive on non-performing loans.
Read also:
- FM Szijjártó threatened the European Commission concerning the anti-Putin sanctions
- Brussels starts another infringement procedure against Hungary concerning civil aviation safety
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Victor Mihaly Orban and his Fidesz Government AGAIN this platform is USED to again ADVISE you, that there can be just ONE winner, and that winner WORSENS in being HUNGARY.
The European Union continues to DISPLAY to Orban and his Fidesz Government, by the RIGHT practice of LAW, that Hungary, under Orban are “Headless Chucks” – just easy meat for pickings, through the Orban, his Governments abuse and mis-treatment, the crimes of fraud, the BLUDGEONING – de-facing of the European Union image, the continuous aggressive attacks centered at the European Union.
Orban and his Fidesz Government, the legal judgements handed down on Hungary, by the Court of the European Union, that ADD to the disgraced and HUMILIATED reputation and image that Hungary has to CARRY – all through the DOING’s – the wrongful and un-lawful practices of Orban and his Fidesz Government.
Globally, it grows that Hungary under the Prime Ministership of Victor Orban, the Fidesz Government he leads, are the “Judas” of Democracy in the country’s – the other 26 countrys that are of Membership of the European Union and GLOBALLY, by countrys that are Governed under DEMOCRACY.
Orban – his Fidesz Government, the citizens of HUNGARY again be INFORMED there can be just ONE Winner – and that will be DEMOCRACY used and enforced upon Hungary, that will CEASE – if FACT intensify, until the name Orban and his Fidesz Government are REMOVED as the Government of Hungary.
Hungary, under Orban and his Fidesz Government have factually DELIVERED Hungary to being, after 15 years in Government – being our country in a cataclysmic DISASTER – that no end is in SIGHT, other than it will WORSEN.
What else is new????
We all know that if Orban would have allowed Hungary to be conquered by third-world hordes and our kids brainwashed into believing there is no such thing as men and women, the EUrotrash would not have initiated these or any other proceedings against Hungary.
They are giving us fewer and fewer reasons to stay in that Frankenstein monstrosity by the day. In fact, the only one is free movement of people, goods, and services. The latter two could be achieved even with Hungary leaving the E.U., and the first, well, life is much better in non-E.U. parts of the world for all but the most desperate and destitute.
Really, what ARE we gaining through continued membership of a sclerotic, corrupt fabrication that will go down the way the U.S.S.R. and dozens of other such creations did?!?
What a load of bs propaganda.
The ingfringement procedure is about goverment corruption in Hungary, just like it clearly reads in the article.
Hungary has benefited tremendously from EU membership, and will continue to benefit when the current corrupt government is changed – hopefully soon.
So – how exactly do we achieve ” free movement of people, goods” when we are not in the EU? And you forgot to mention the gift that keeps on giving, that juicy 3 plus percent from the EU, year on year, since we joined. For development of our country. Take our GDP growth and subtract the EU contribution, please.
Facts and data – just do the math: Oops – eveb uglier than I had anticipated!
Oh- on the topic – could you just list the three biggest benefits of Brexit? The things we can look forward to in a Hunxit? Wet our appetites and get us motivated?
Steiner Michael – just INFESTED by the CREED of his Political Party being as WE ALL know, and his Membership, his love of the “Commies” – that just BLAMES Blames and Blames – never ACCEPTING that his PARTY – through there INCOMPETANCY, there CRIME – there gargantuan FAILINGS in the ability to Govern a country, instead of there DISTILLATION of DEMOCRACY.
Orban – the Fidesz Government – never have a VALID or Argument of ANY legal substance to “counter claim” in the process of Law, never in a position to with any Fact or Truth, oppose judicial rulings handed down on the Orban – Fidesz Government, because of there “toxic culture” – there BEHAVIOUR as a Government that is ENGULFED in Heinous acts and behaviour.
BLAME, blame and BLAME and Steiner Michael – “on the gravy train” – just like the party he pays his MEMBERSHIP fee’s to, riddled with Lies and FABRICATION, that Hungarians, slow it may be, but its gaining rapid momentum, coming to REALIZE – there current Government under Victor Orban are corrupt and losers that HAVE destroyed the lives of millions of Hungarians and INSULTED, de-famed and embarrassed the name HUNGARY.
Hungary – economically and financially as a country we are “dead in the water” – through being DROWNED by the Orban led Fidesz Government.
SOLIDARITY – fighting Orban and Fidesz throwing back in there FACES – TRUTH & FACTS.
Orban, his Fidesz Government – millions upon millions of HUNGARIANS – we can RIGHTLY – factually and speaking exhibiting exposing TRUTH, truth, truth – we can BLAME – BLAME – Blame the Orban “Mob”.
We WILL succeed – in bringing DESTROYING – Humiliating – this Orban Government “throwing” them out of office, by bombarding THEM – with Truth & Facts – under PEOPLE Power in SOLIDARITY.
Hungarians in our MILLIONS have RIGHT – to BLAME – with “all salvos” a humongous arsenal of HUNGARIANS – throwing back in the FACE of the Orban led Fidesz Government, what is Fact & Truth – the DESTRUCTION – they have CAUSED to the country, our country HUNGARY.