New OLAF report: Hungary on top concerning frauds, irregularities

The new report of the authority was published yesterday, and it comprises their findings concerning last year. OLAF conducted eleven examinations in Hungary and concluded five of them with recommendations. As a result, Hungary is third with Italy, and only Romania and Bulgaria precede us. The Orbán cabinet says Hungary follows up all OLAF recommendations.

Lots of irregularities, frauds, customs evasion in Hungary

According to Népszava, Hungary was the first in 2022, so the situation is better now. The new report published on Tuesday did not name Hungarian cases, and they did not even share the sums Hungary needed to pay back.

Hungary leads the list of customs evasion. Between 2019 and 2023 16.51% of the money did not appear in the EU’s budget because some companies reported lower import numbers than the reality.

orbán viktor
Viktor Orbán on 12 June 2024. Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán

Chief prosecutor: Hungary follows up all OLAF recommendations

Every recommendation by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) to Hungary “is followed up by an investigation”, the public prosecutor said on Wednesday.

Referring to OLAF’s 2023 report on Hungary, the prosecutor’s office said that out of all the cases OLAF brought to the attention of Hungary’s authorities between 2019 and 2023, two charges were brought, while an investigation into a third case was terminated. “The ratio of cases in which an indictment was made was 67 percent, an outstanding figure compared with the EU average of 37 percent,” the statement said. In 15 cases an investigation is under way, it added.

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Illustration. Photo: PrtScr

The office noted that “despite a legal obligation and under instructions by Chief Prosecutor Péter Polt, an investigation is initiated every time OLAF notifies the Hungarian authorities,” or “if an investigation is under way already, OLAF’s recommendation is attached to the documents with an evaluation.”

Hungary’s prosecution service and OLAF are in close cooperation, with “regular consultations both at leadership and professional levels,” the office said, noting that “already excellent cooperation was also formalised in a working agreement signed in February 2022.”

Read also:

  • Budapest Airport loan faces OLAF investigation: Allegations of misconduct surface – Read more HERE
  • Shocking! Hungary leads the list of the countries obligated to pay back the most EU money

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  1. Just another example of NO member of the Orban led – Fidesz Government of Hungary, could LIE Straight in Bed.
    Failed repetitively to COMPLY, that its to a large degree taken for GRANTED, through knowledge and history, that the Orban led Fidesz Government and non conformist, that to COMPLY, not in there Dogma.

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