The ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) alliance has increased its lead in the full population, according to separate results published by the Nézőpont Institute, Alapjogokért, Real-PR 93, Századvég and Társadalomkutató at a conference on Thursday.
At the conference organised by the Nézőpont Institute, polling director Dániel Nagy said party preferences were “stable”. Fidesz-KDNP is supported by 51-52 percent of decided voters, and support of the joint list of the opposition varies between 42 and 47 percent, he said. The opposition primaries seem to have failed to change voting readiness significantly, he said.
Extrapolating from those numbers, the ruling parties would
obtain 125 places in parliament if the election was held this Sunday, Nagy said. The opposition would win 73 places, and one would be filled by a lawmaker elected on an ethnic minority ticket, he said.
Századvég’s Péter Pillok said pro-government voters are “almost unwaveringly convinced” that the ruling parties would prevail next spring. One-third of opposition voters think the same, he said. Meanwhile, the Democratic Coalition (DK) has increased its support among opposition voters to 51 percent, and to 32 percent among supporters of the opposition coalition, he said.
Századvég found that 45 percent of voters support the ruling parties, 36 percent the joint opposition,
5 percent the Two-tailed dog party and 3 percent Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland). In a two-party election, Századvég projects Fidesz-KDNP to win 50 percent and the opposition 44 percent, he said.
According to a survey by Real-PR 93, an overwheling majority supported government measures such as the minimum wage hike and tax refunds for families.
The majority expect their economic prospects to deteriorate if the opposition comes to power, and anticipate growing taxes and utility prices, he said.
The government measures have led to a growing number of Hungarians, 37 percent being optimistic about their future, Sándor Sóvágó said. The ratio of those expecting their quality of life falling within one year has decreased to 13 percent from 21 percent, he said.
Társadalomkutató analyst Krisztián Talabér said “scandals” during the opposition primaries have led to the number of voters for leftist lists fallig by five percentage points from 42 percent, and the support for ruling parties growing by 2 percentage points from 43 percent. Meanwhile, 58 percent of Hungarians say they are satisfied with Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s work, while 34 percent are unsatisfied with him, he said. The government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic is supported by 60 percent of Hungarians, he said.
Read alsoBBC writes about the first Hungarian political crime thriller
Source: MTI
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Never before voted for Fidesz but this time it is Fidesz for sure.
Daylight hours between Fidesz and the “supposed” Opposition.
Since the sausage coalition plan to run on their old tired platform of name calling and making baseless claims about Fidesz and Orban they will be defeated running that cackling hen Klara Dobrev. Socialism is a tried and failed political ideology. The late Margaret Thatcher PM of the UK, once said “The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend” Another problem with the sausage coalition is they are all lapdogs of Soro’s and will cede Hungarian sovereignty to Brussels and destroy Hungarian culture and independence especially if they adopt the Euro.
NO THANKS! Hands off of Hungary , A hidden treasure right here in the heart of Europe.
I agree with Norbert and Mike Hall.
I don’t know if the younger generation understands how repulsive I find the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Apró gang. These people are monsters.
Any Hungarian that vote for them has to be ignorant of recent Hungarian history.
És akkor a hóhér unokája kiment Brüsszelbe….
Beszéljünk a lényegről…
Dobrev Klára, azaz Gyurcsányné nagyapja Apró Antal.
Ezer élet kioltására Gyurcsány feleségének nagyapja, Apró Antal adta a parancsot.
Forrás: Minden Szó
When Hungary finally has a Prime Minister that puts Hungarian people’s welfare first, it would be unforgivable to allow left Marxists to ruin the country or cede sovereignty to Brussels.
Orban is failing as dictator- that’s not going to set well with powers that be in the EU
One has to be totally ignorant of Hungary’s democratic institutions and the periodic free elections in Hungary to assume that Orban is a dictator.
Dictators don’t have to be worried about elections.
Prime Minister Orban is a Hungarian populist, meaning that he is supported by the majority of Hungarian voters.