Orbán asks ethnic kin to participate in the 2022 Hungarian general election

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will send letters to ethnic Hungarians abroad in the coming weeks and ask them to cast their ballots in Hungary’s general election scheduled for next spring, the parliamentary state secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office said on Facebook on Sunday.

Csaba Dömötör noted that December 5, 2004 was a “hardly forgettable trauma” in Hungary’s policy for Hungarian communities abroad, referring to a referendum that rejected the grating of citizenship to ethnic Hungarians abroad.

The state secretary noted that Hungarian parliament had since then passed a law on introducing dual citizenship, and over 1.1 million Hungarians abroad had taken the opportunity.

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“Hungarians abroad are now entitled to participate in making decisions on our future, and express their views during the general election,” he said.

The prime minister will now ask them to take part in common decision making and participate in the vote, Dömötör said.

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Source: MTI

One comment

  1. It is the right thing to do. They are Hungarians and they should participate in determining the future of Hungary. The current government deeply cares about and supports our fellow Hungarians of “Kárpátmedence”. The anti-Hungarian, globalist, communist opposition sees them as enemies.

    Interesting article today in One America News Network (OAN) about Orbán and Hungary. Unlike the fake-news, globalist, anti-Hungarian mainstream western media (CNN, MSDNC), OAN does not peddle lies about Hungary. Worth reading:
    Populist European Leaders Hold Conference In Poland
    “It is not the commissioners. It is not the administration. It is not the bureaucrats. It is not the directors in the European Commission who will decide how we should live,” said Member of the European Parliament Tomasz Poreba. “This is to be decided by sovereign governments that wish to cooperate with these institutions at the European level.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself – 🙂

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