Orbán cabinet: Hungarian households’ energy bills lowest in Europe

Household energy prices in Hungary were the lowest in Europe in November, even at purchasing power parity, the government commissioner for the regulated household utilities price system said on Monday.

Szilárd Németh said residents of Budapest paid an average 2.56 eurocent/kWh for their gas, less than in any other European capital included in a survey commissioned by Energie-Control Austria and the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH). Households paid 9.31 eurocent/kWh for their electricity in November, up to the average consumption level, and 10.73 eurocent/kWh over that threshold, the second-lowest price after Belgrade, he added.

Németh noted that nine in ten households paid the regulated price for gas and eight in ten the regulated price for electricity.

At purchasing power parity, Budapest households paid the lowest gas and electricity prices compared to other European cities, he said.

He added that EUR 2.12bn (HUF 880bn) had been earmarked in the 2025 budget bill to support regulated utilities prices.

read also:

Support from Brussels: Hungary to expand renewable energy in district heating with €238M investment plan


  1. Yes, and Fidesz’s detractors better take note. People in other parts of Europe are shivering and dying in their homes, or spending their days in malls and communal centers, because they can’t afford to heat their homes.

    And why can’t they? Because the globalist-socialist-fascist scumbags ordained that we need to switch from coal to wind and solar, which are ludicrously expensive, unreliable, and inefficient. And their puppets in Western (and other) governments have been dutifully complying, to the severe detriment of ordinary people.

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