Orbán: Europeans today have no right to their country, their culture, their family and their God
The government is obliged to defend Hungary’s constitutional identity, even if doing so clashes with a recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, Viktor Orbán wrote on Monday in an article published on the Prime Minister’s website entitled “Samizdat 15”.
Orbán noted that the European Court had ordered Hungary to allow migrants stopped at the border fence into the country, adding that this ruling ran contrary to the rules of Hungary’s fundamental law.
He said
Hungarian border guards were not letting migrants into the country, and any migrants that did succeed in entering illegally were being prevented from staying. Further, migrants seeking asylum must make their application for asylum outside Hungary, the prime minister added.
Following the European Court ruling, the government turned to Hungary’s Constitutional Court, and the court established that the government “must defend our constitutional identity — even if this runs counter to the judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union.” Also, wherever EU institutions “are not exercising shared competencies effectively, then the Hungarian authorities may exercise them.”
In addition, “the relationship between migration and human dignity is also to be examined from the perspective of the country’s existing, historical population.”
“This is a ruling of historic significance,” Orbán wrote.
“At its heart is the human being and human dignity — something only rarely seen in today’s Europe,” he wrote.
He said the individual in western socieities had been uprooted “from his or her natural national, linguistic, cultural, family and religious communities.”
Individuals are only seen as “people without attributes: they might live anywhere, speak any language, or pray to any god.”
“Traditional communities have been rendered utterly defenceless,” he wrote. “Today Europeans do not have the right to decide on those with whom they wish to live in their own country — even when mass immigration leads to the disintegration of the traditional communities that form the basis of their own identities as individuals.
Ultimately, in terms of fundamental rights, Europeans today have no right to their country, their language, their culture, their family and their God.”
Orbán said the ruling of the Constitutional Court “takes a stand against this”.
“The Hungarian state has a duty to prevent serious violations of individuals’ identity — even if such violations come from a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union or from deficiencies in the EU’s exercise of power.
The traditional social environment of people living in Hungary must not be allowed to change without a democratic mandate and oversight by the state.
“A homeland only exists where rights also exist. And according to the Constitutional Court of Hungary, Hungarians have the right to their own homeland,”
his article concludes.
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As usual, Orbán the EU-Beggar’s anti-EU propaganda is cheap demagogy for primitive audiences.
Hungary is a signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention and subsequent 1967 Protocol. EU law on that matter is based upon that Convention. If Orbán wishes to withdraw from the Convention, then do so via the parliamentary process: strange he does not mention International Law in his increasingly hysterical statements on this issue.
“Orbán: Europeans today have no right to their country, their culture, their family and their God”
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is 100% right.
He has the support of majority of Hungarian people and he will get re-elected in April by a huge margin.
Hungarians are a nation of freedom fighters. The decadent West is made-up of people, not nations, devoid of pride in their culture, their family and their God.
István, no matter what you moniker you use you fool no one. It is a shame that your Carer does not spend more time with you – old people get very bored and lonely.
One wonders, why would a country reject welcoming citizens of other countries? 2015 is the answer. When hordes of unruly people invade a country, ignore all your laws, the country has only one choice. Close borders. So far no EU country, that accepted a large number of uneducated people, can say that there was any success in this maneuver. Only 50% of the migrants are employed. Crime is up. New type of crime, e.g. beheading, was introduced in France. Rape of women are greatly increased. Group that is 500 years behind social evolution cannot be integrated into a modern society. No go zones are created. Eventually, if the numbers of these foreigners increase greatly, future civil wars could ensue.
It is incredible that western EU is against Hungary’s child protection law. All Hungarian children are precious and should be protected from sexual propaganda.
Anonymous is right, Hungary should withdraw from the Geneva Convention and all other conventions that threatens their sovereignty and independence.
“Hungary belong to Hungarians” – Correct.
We – as Residenct Permit Card Holders – acccepted – Thankfully by the Government of Hungary, choicing to make Hungary our Home (4) four years ago.
We acknowledge and Respect – the Culture and the Laws of Hungary.
They differ in ways – to that of Australia, the country of our birth but we embrace Hungarian Culture, the kind and friendly loving people of Hungary who continue to welcome us – making us feel part of this country – and we – continue, that will not WAVER – disappear – to exhibit RESPECT – for the Sovereignty of this – our “adopted” home.
If as we did, we knew – what was RIGHT – what was needed of us – the contribution we needed to “blend in” – be respected – hopefully appreciated by our fellow citizens – that ALL comes under acceptance to the Culture, the Laws of Hungary – that we live our Lives.
My position is Black & White – on Immigration/Migratation – if you are Accepted under the Laws of Immigration/Migratation – in this case HUngary – they DECIDE – Hungary – the Government of Hungary – they DECIDE – who can make Application of Residency or “other” – to live,visit or whatever Hungary.
If over the past decade under Prime Minister – Victor Orban – Hungary had NOT maintained its Steadfast Un-Moved Immigratation/Migratation Laws – we would be in a Perilous Mess.
Victor Orban – our Prime Minister & Fidesz – must continue to get our Citizen growing SUPPORT – for our Immigratation/Migratation Laws – entry of Residency – into Hungary.
Watch – the cataclysmic collapse of Turkey – 85 plus million population – watch the NUMBERS – that want to Get out – and WATCH other county’s – continue to STUFF up – on the way they address and handle – mass Immigration/Migration.
Hungary – for Hungarians and us type – who respect, embrace and support the Laws of this country and its Sovereignity.
In 2015 the people that arrived DID NOT WANT TO STAY IN HUNGARY. Which bit of that did they forget to publish in remote Canada where you live? The people were en route to Austria, en route to Germany and beyond. The lies that you people try to spread….. In the end, because the Hungarian government stopped most of them boarding trains in Budapest to get to Germany, they WALKED to Austria.
Thank you for your letter. Welcome to Hungary.
We very much need people like you. You are one of us.
I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that many of our beloved national heroes originated from other countries yet they sacrificed all for Hungary. We treasure and love their memory.
Dear Claptrap, no where did I mentioned that the horde wanted to stay in Hungary. However, at that time the Dublin regulation was in effect, “apply for refugee status in the first safe country”. My main point was this barbaric horde did not have permission to enter the country, to create garbage mounds, frighten seniors and ignore the laws. If you can recall, Austria’s border was closed. Until Germany opened the border, there was a possibility that these savages could be stuck in Hungary.
So, before you try to contradict other peoples’ opinion based on facts, check your facts. Your comment does not do you credit.
First, Dublin 3 as that Convention is known, is largely unworkable and was largely an aspiration. The 1951 Geneva Convention regarding refugees does not state that people have to claim asylum in the first safe country and the EU recognised that Dublin 3 could not work because it would mean that nearly all migrants would be in Italy or Greece. Secondly, those people are not ‘savages’ – what a disgusting thing thing to say. Thirdly, I live on Marcius 15 ter in Budapest and was here throughout and no one was frightened, whereas you are holed up in Canada and do not know what you are talking about!
The main point is all those people who entered illegally are criminals.