Orbán: ‘Soros empire’ behind EU migrant quota

In an interview to public radio, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has accused the “Soros empire” of being behind the “coup-like” EU decision on mandatory migrant quotas, saying the decision had been “forced down the throats of the majority of Europeans”.
In the interview recorded on Thursday, he said it had seemed that decision-makers in Brussels had been persuaded to shift from an insistence on mandatory quotas to border protection as there was a realisation that the solution lay in protecting the external borders of Europe rather than distributing migrants.
“But from time to time a quick decision is made in a coup-like way that states that whichever country does not allow migrants in will be forced to do so,” Orbán said, adding that it was not by chance this coincided with George Soros handing over “control of his empire to his son just a few days ago”. (We wrote about this in more detail HERE.) His son, he added, had said he wanted to get more directly involved in politics in America and Europe. “Now the Soros empire has struck back,” he added.
Orbán: Government ready with economic protection action plan
The government is ready with an economic protection action plan aimed at counterbalancing “bad decisions” made in Brussels, PM Viktor Orbán said in an interview to public radio on Friday, adding that the measures will be unveiled next week.
The prime minister slammed the EU for introducing costs on fuels and packaging, saying the new measures would stoke inflation. Noting that the EU had control over certain types of tax on environmental grounds, he said Hungary was obliged to increase excise tax on petrol and diesel. Also, packaging materials and bottles must be registered and tracked, adding to expenses and the cost of waste processing.
He also urged Hungarians to keep their savings in state bonds. “In times of war, people who keep their savings in government bonds and treasury bills help the country.” Also, they received a higher interest rate than by parking their money in the bank, he said. In addition to offering high interest on government bonds, a levy on bank savings will apply as long as the war lasts as a temporary measure, he said.
Soros wants a one world government with no borders and no caucasian people. Old George is hanging up his spurs in favour of his son Alex who has promised to carry on his fathers evil work of wrecking nations all over the planet.
Of course it’s Soros. Who else could it be?
For some context re what is currently happening in the EU re Hungary and how bad things are getting:
If “Brussels” is so bad – why don’t our Politicians just … Leave? Oh no – we can’t! We’re totally dependent on EU funds, the benefits of freedom of movement and the Community Customs Union.
Let’s not tell the gammons and just keep up the posturing.
That’s common knowledge. “Open Society” is financing and coordinating it all: the endless N.G.O.s, the lawyers always ready and well-funded to challenge any attempt to curb illegal migration, the coaching of the illegal aliens on how to avoid deportation by outright lying and exploiting the (already ridiculous) asylum system, the boats across the Mediterranean, the lobbying of the politicians, the packing of the media with Leftist mouthpieces… This has been going on for a solid 20-25 years now. And yet, Soros never ran for office nor were these policies of endless illegal migration ever put to the voters to accept or reject. As for Norbert’s comment about the precious E.U. funds, that money amount of 400 euros per Hungarian resident. Nothing to get overly excited about, that’s for sure.
Yes, Victor, George has an “empire” of secret people doing secret things. Only you know about it and only you can save us. Keep you tin hat on tight and you will not be infected.
Orban is engaging in defamation. He has no shame and no honor.
Victor’s Closet and Anonymous, why do you think that the American People are objecting to Soros, his son and society? This man and his society did not achieve one positive result. Soros nearly broke the Bank of England, ruined the American Justice system and insists on flooding the Western developed countries with uneducated, often criminal elements.
Please do not say that Mr. Orban is anti-Semitic. That statement was debunked. In the US they have a strong group, Jews against Soros. It is easy to be blind. Do you not think it is time for you both to admit the truth, Soros and his society are evil.