Orbán: The experience of the past 15 years was that Hungary could trust Russia – Interview

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in an interview to Swiss daily Neue Zurcher Zeitung on Monday, said a multi-polar world order had emerged, criticised the European Union for its “weakness” and “hypocrisy”, and declared that US President Donald Trump offered an opportunity for a new balance to be created in geopolitics. He also said that he will meet Alice Weidel, co-leader and chancellor candidate of Germany’s AfD, next week.
Open door for the AFD
Orbán is due to host the co-chair of the far-right AfD, Alice Weidel, in Budapest. Orbán said that the AfD is more a movement than a party, and in a movement it is easier for madmen to rise up. There is no formal link with the AfD, but in Hungary, there is no firewall around any party – people take seriously who they vote for, Orbán said. “The firewall makes political thinking primitive. The AfD can get 20 percent in the elections: if their boss wants to meet me, why should I say no?” As we wrote yesterday, Orbán cabinet said, German leaders ‘siding with terrorists’, details here.
Orbán: Hungary could trust Russia
During the interview, Orbán referred to Russia as a belligerent aggressor, and the reporter asked him if he personally felt the same way. Orbán replied that the question was left to historians to decide.
“I am a politician and there is an EU decision on this. It obliges me to talk about Russian aggression.”
During the conversation, Orbán’s previous meetings with Putin were discussed. I asked him directly if he had a problem with Hungary’s membership of NATO. He said no. Because we do not station weapons in our region that pose a threat to Russia. He meant tactical long-range weapons. It’s hard enough to imagine the Hungarians invading Moscow,” he recalled of their 2009 meeting. Orbán also said
he had agreed with Putin to leave the fraught history of the two countries to historians, and that the experience of the past 15 years was that Hungary could trust Russia.
The questioner also drew Orbán’s attention to the fact that in his speeches, he paints Brussels as a more significant threat than Moscow, to which Orbán said that
it is easy to reach a rational agreement with Russia but almost impossible with Brussels.
He said Brussels only funds its domestic political opponents.
As we wrote yesterday, will Hungary reclaim territory from Ukraine? Romanian politician’s plan shocks Europe! Details HERE.
Dissatisfaction, Péter Magyar
Orbán was also asked about his domestic rival. The interviewer noted that Orbán had not once said the name of his new challenger, Péter Magyar, and asked whether his rapid rise did not send a message that people were unhappy with the government. The answer is that yes, it does. The war and sanctions have created a challenging situation over the last three years, with high inflation, increased energy prices, and low growth. I don’t like war for several reasons, the economic reason being one,” said Orbán, who was also asked if he was tired of a decade and a half in government.
“At the moment, my support among the population is still higher than that of my party. As long as this remains the case, I will lead the fight,”
Orbán said, adding that he wanted to remain a member of parliament as long as he was mentally able and wanted to continue in politics for the rest of his life.
Trump tornado
Orbán said Trump’s return to politics was a favourable development for Hungary which had been under pressure from both Brussels and Washington before Trump’s return. He critisised the EU for its economic and security policy “weaknesses”, called for pragmatic cooperation with Russia, and said the sanctions were ineffective. He said Hungary could not rely solely on Europe in terms of the economy, and had to nurture relations also with China and other emerging powers.
In response to a question on Trump’s return, Orbán said, “The world has changed more in ten days than it normally does in years,” thanks to “the Trump tornado.”
“We were the black sheep of the West. Now it is clear: what Trump is doing and what we have done in the last fifteen years is the future,” he added. Orbán said he hoped that the Americans will invest more in Hungary again, adding that “they have recently even fallen behind China”. He critised the Democrats’ approach to Hungary, saying that they “hated us”. “We had opposing positions on issues such as migration, gender and the war in Ukraine,” he said. “They supported all the organisations and media in Hungary that were against me. Trump put an end to that.” He said “if the Europeans do not make the Americans a good offer of cooperation, they will no longer offer us security.” “Sitting around and waiting is not a solution. We have to come up with ideas. Europe may be rich, but it is also weak,” he added.
“We were able to enjoy the peace dividend for a long time. Under Trump, we lost it,” Orbán said.
The message from Orban and Fidesz is relentless that Russia is your friend and the EU is your enemy. The US under anything less than Trump is also your enemy – you know the “Dollar Left”. Does no one in Hungary understand the evil nature of the Putin regime – the phoney elections, the assassinations of opposition figures and the jailing of anyone who publicly speaks against the regime? This is whom Hungary allies itself with. Bindzsisztan .Csurran, Cseppen. Csurran Cseppen!
“Orbán said he hoped that the Americans will invest more in Hungary” – hope is not a strategy. Europe, including Hungary, could be facing tariffs and other sanctions very soon. Let´s see if we get special treatment. In the meantime, we still do not have a tax treaty, we are subject to the ESTA visa exception, potentially subject to a US chip import limitation and Mr. Rogan is still under sanctions from the US Treasury for corruption. Not part of the “Trump Tornado!”.
Perhaps Mr. Orbán could arrange for Hungary to become the 51st State and the European Union could invite Canada as a Member? Potentially win-win for Europe and much better for us – if we believe our Politicians!
Continual the layers on Victor Mihaly. Orban, already know and ACCEPTED throughout the Global World, countrys that are DEMOCRACY, of NO need to independently make mention of the European Union, who have STATED, that no longer is Hungary a DEMOCRACY, but that Orban, is the “Judas” of Global DEMOCRACY.
Orban, the nadir he continues to PLUNGE his name, his political and “other” reputation, that continues to nearing DEMOLISHING respect and trust of Hungary, this individuals OWN character – his Creeds, his Political Ideas and Philosophy, his Ideology, his Dogma – that HAVE failed and HUMILIATED him over the period in time of (15) fifteen years, and our country Hungary, is, continues to be, engulfed in HEINOUS acts, that are humanly DEPLORABLE – dishonourable and discreditable.
Orban, his Fidesz Government, what in (15) fifteen years – what have they accomplished or established – as the Government of Hungary ???
WHAT are we LIVING in as a country to-day ?
What FUTURE do we HUNGARY have ?
Debt of the Orban led Fidesz Government – debt to Russia and China – the “under the table” the “greasing of the palm” arrangements – what of these FACTUALLY known Orban led Fidesz Government deals or TRADE Off’s – do we APPROVE of them ?
Debt, through FINES to the European Union, that grows daily – do we agree to those, through the Orbans Governments fraud acts and FAILINGS to comply to European Union – Laws of Membership.
Do we approve of the Orbans Governments debt to the European Union ?
WHAT in (15) fifteen years have we been DELIVERED ???
A country that is a cataclysmic Economic & Financial – DISASTER.
Do Hungarians in millions HONESTLY believe that there Quality of Life – is going to BETTER itself – if the Orban led Fidesz Government – remain in POWER in Hungary ???
THINGS will WORSEN – just on INFLATION alone, that we will continue to WITNESS – that NOTHING, absolutley NOTHING – is going to get CHEAPER in Hungary.
Orban, his Fidesz Government – have SOLD us out as a country.
Orban, and his Fidesz Government, the globally referred GOFERS of Putin’s Russia.
WHAT of our FUTURE ???
Trying to ve friends of everyone, staying alone in the end. The Hungarian dream
Russians so far kept their words and did not change policy at a drop of a hat like Brussels. The EU Parliament cannot be trusted now they want to interfere in national abortion policies.
EU policies ruined Europe’s economy, even Germany is going down the drain.
Time for a divorce from the EU.
We cannot afford a divorce from the EU … The numbers do not lie. Apart from us being gifted 3.5 percent of our GDP, annually, let´s look at who we actually trade with (and which countries we can afford to p*ss off).
Do toggle 17.1.3, which expands the statistics. Then, compare Europe and the European Union to all of the other trading partner countries. Curious as to what you think!
Regarding abortion – I´m glad you´re so interested, here is the overview with the facts, per country:
I am assuming you are referring to this?
“Everyone has the right to bodily autonomy, to free, informed, full and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and to all related healthcare services without discrimination, including access to safe and legal abortion”. Or, alternatively, just have a bunch of old men decide?
Russia promised not to have any issues with Ukraine if it did apply for NATO membership. Ukraine never
did apply, but a full-scale war was initiated by Russia (Putin).
Never trust a single word a Russian tells you.
Zelensky instigated the war. Hungary has no such intentions.