Orbán: Ukraine has to be a buffer zone between Russia and NATO
Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán has once again sharply criticised Ukraine. According to Orbán Ukraine adds nothing to the defence of Europe. He added that the West is in decline, and the European Parliament is, in fact, a madhouse.
Ukraine as a buffer zone?
According to HVG, Orbán believes that the Ukrainian state should serve as a buffer zone between Russia and the West, with adequate security guarantees. Former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel spoke to Viktor Orbán for the opening issue of European Voices, a new magazine produced in cooperation with Die Presse, the Austrian Foreign Policy Association and the UN.
In the interview, the Hungarian prime minister stressed that if Kyiv cannot play its role as a buffer, it will lose territory because Moscow will attack it again and again. There is no way that Russia will allow a state that is a member of the EU and NATO on its doorstep.
Ukraine is not defending Europe
Orbán did not agree that the Ukrainians were defending Europe, unlike Hungary in 1956. They do not, he argued, provide any extra security to the western half of the continent because these countries are already in NATO, which is much stronger than Russia. He sees no chance of the Kremlin giving orders to invade any member of NATO.
The PM believes that Europe is not able to supply enough weapons to the Ukrainians because public opinion already resents the support. Therefore, a dialogue on a ceasefire should start immediately, but at the same time, talks on Kyiv’s accession to the EU and NATO should be held.
West in decline, EP is a “madhouse”
One of the reasons for the weakness of the continent, in his reading, is the dysfunction of the European Parliament, “because it is, in fact, a madhouse”.
In his view, we should return to the idea of representatives being delegated by the Member States and not directly elected. And the European Commission should not aspire to be the European Council because it is the Heads of State and Government who have the say.
Orbán sees the greatest threat to the continent in Russia and the US concluding a security agreement over its head. The shift of the centre of gravity of the world economy to Asia is also a serious problem. Orbán says we are witnessing a change of era that happens every 500 years: the end of the West’s leadership.
The Prime Minister said that it is difficult for him to find common ground with American democrats, because in his view, it is not universal values but Hungarian interests that must take precedence. This is precisely why he appreciates Donald Trump’s foreign policy, as it is based on similar principles. And Europe must both cooperate and rival the United States, he said.
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Be careful what you wish for, in Mr. Trump’s case. Apart from all of his legal struggles (apparently he is not above the law – King!), he is transactional,which means pushing someone under the bus is nothing personal. It is just because it is in his personal (not the US’s) best interest. Interesting thing is that Mr. Orbán appears to like it, that way!
Lastly – Mr. Orbán’s other BFF Mr. Carlson’s interview with Mr. Putin. Quote:
“If you really want to stop fighting, stop supplying weapons. It will be over in a few weeks. That’s it. And then, we can agree on some terms… What’s easier?”
These words remind you of anything? Our Politicians parroting, perhaps?
I like the take of the former president of Mongolia on historical maps. Mongolia can have a historical claim to most of Russia.
Concur – Norbert & Larry.
Larry- my reading interpretation of your commentary’s give cause for me to “feel’ your pen reflects concerns for PEOPLE.
My pen unequivocally is INKED to people – what’s BEST for People – from “all stations in Life”.
We have “shared” thoughts in commentary on the Intellectual capacity of Hungarians, that in part align, but you display express of higher points / marking than I.
This Hungarian “Chaos” – Politically and Economically created by Victor Orban and his Government, it’s GROWING effect(s) on millions of PEOPLE – of Hungarians – is APPALLING.
We know the rightful growing broadsheet of PRESSURIZATION on the name Victor Orban, that wrongfully falls back in the FACE of millions of innocent people of Hungary.
I detest the word – WAR, but what GROWS in-side of Hungary is a growing humongous conflict that is War like – a Government that grows in being un-popular that DISPLAYS a growing CV just not in damage they are causing inside Hungary, but Europe and the Global World, there image by country’s Governed under DEMOCRACY totally disowning or abandoning the name HUNGARY.
People in there Millions have continue to have there lives – the quality of there lives in Hungary that verges on being OBLIVIATED.
Could I be RIGHT that it’s a PEOPLES War – that grows in HAPPENING slowly to slowly in FACT in Hungary ?
The FIX and it will WORSEN, of the broadsheet internal componentry – the CORE of the Economy, the collapse factually occurring, the ceasing – the stoppage of this TREND – is beyond one individual to be at the helm, guiding the Ship captainless with a broken rudder, to a safe passage and Harbour.
It’s gargantuan what is, what’s still to “come out” what the cataclysmic depth – the Nadir of the Orban “legacy” – he will leave Hungary.
It’s a PEOPLES War.
The quality American War time Movie made in 1942 titled Mrs Miniver, the final scene the sermon delivered by the Vicar of the village, to the people of the village, who had suffered muchly through events of the Second World War, a masterful piece of movie script writing, that has to me a message to Hungary.
The Vicar said:
” The homes of many of us have been destroyed, and the lives of young and old taken. There’s scarcely a household that hasn’t been struck to the heart.
And why ?
Surely, you must have asked yourselves this question ? Why in all conscience, why, should these be the one’s to suffer ?
Children, old people, a young girl at the height of her loveliness ? Why these ?
Are these our soldiers ?
Are these our fighters ?
Why should they be Sacrificed ?
I shall tell you why.
Because this is not only a War of soldiers in uniform.
It is a War of the People, of ALL People .
And it must not be only fought on the battlefield, but in the cities and in the villages, in the factories and on the farms, in the home and in the Heart of every man, women or child who love Freedom.
Well, we have buried our dead, but never shall we forget them.
Instead, they must inspire us with an un-breakable determination to FREE ourselves, and those that come after us, from the tyranny and terror that threatened to strike us down.
This is a PEOPLE’S War.
It’s OUR War.
We are the fighters.
Fight it, then Fight it with with ALL that is in us.
And may God defend the RIGHT.”
PEOPLE of Hungary – get the MESSAGE ?
It’s your War – it’s your RESPONSIBILITY to free yourself of what you for 15 years have been part of.
Solidarity – don’t RAISE your Voices be ORDERLY but STRENGTHEN your Voices.
Saint Pope John Paul 11 – his MESSAGE on his first of (2) two visits to Budapest, Hungary in August 1991, etched in stone to this day in Hero’s Square -Budapest, Hungary – in his Pontifical Mass held in Hero’s Square – told us :
“Be Mindful of the Blessings that FREEDOM which you Hungary have definitively Secured means for your FUTURE.
Cherish it, and make Good use of your Liberty.”
Victor Orban on this occasion August 1991 – accompanied by his Roman Catholic baptized Wife – seated in the VIP area of this Pontifical Mass.
It’s a PEOPLES War.