Orbán’s advisor: Migrants stranded in Bosnia-Herzegovina creating ‘untenable situation’
The number of migrants stranded in Bosnia-Herzegovina has ballooned, creating a situation similar to the 2015 crisis, the prime minister’s domestic security advisor has said.
With the Hungarian border closed, migrants aiming to reach the EU eventually turned to the route through Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, György Bakondi told public television late on Tuesday.
Croatia and Slovenia’s strict border controls coupled with slow government decision-making in Bosnia-Herzegovina and understaffed law enforcement are creating a “virtually untenable” situation in the western Balkan country, he said.
European aid is needed to handle the situation, Bakondi said.
Hungary is doing “everything in its power” to help, because stability in the Balkan region also has an impact on Europe’s stability in the long run, he said.
Featured image: MTI/EPA
Source: MTI
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Europe must include upcoming luck seekers in Spain, but ahead of that Germany and France can help and that is a weak consolation. Gerald Knaus, through his European Stability Initiative funded by the Open Society of George Soros, conjures one idea after the other, because it takes Soros all too long before the whole Europe has completely been changed into a milk-chocolate coloring and leveled society. Then it will be cashing time for Soros. It is incomprehensible that media, respecting themselves are hastily giving Knaus, owned by criminal thoughts, a stage but money does wonders and in the foreseeable future you will come across Knaus again at a TV-talk show or another disaster tourism program to spread his poison. Do not forget that in talk shows Knaus has had ample opportunity in recent years to demonstrate the hidden powers and forces that determine the (refugee) politics in Europe. Will an opponent of the current asylum policy be invited for an extensive and not interrupted by humanitarian policor’s interview? No, so you know from which angle the wind blows. Read this quote from the German newspaper ‘die Welt’: Also ist die europäische Migrationspolitik am Ende? Knaus: Nein, im Gegenteil. Ich sehe gerade jetzt eine Chance für einen Durchbruch. Dazu brauchen wir eine Koalition betroffener Staaten, die zeigen wie praktische Lösungen aussehen können. Derzeit kommen mehr Menschen über das Meer nach Spanien als nach Italien. Warum richt Europa (Deutschland, Frankreich und die Niederlande) nicht gemeinsam mit Madrid ein Aufnahmezentrum in Spanien ein? Dort sollten Asylentscheidungen innerhalb weniger Wochen gefällt werden, unabhängige Anwälte sichern faire Verfahren. Die Partner würden sich bereit erklären anerkannte Flüchtlinge aus diesen Zentren aufzunehmen. Wer abgelehnt wird, müsste sofort in die Herkunftsländer zurück.
This sort of faltering and dangerous nonsense is placed by a well-respected newspaper as ‘die Welt’, where Knaus knows as well as any European a child that it is returning to rejected fortune hunters or crimigrants or parasites as they currently arrive in Spain fails because the political will is missing from the EU heads of government and those countries that do not want to take back their citizens by enforcing harsh sanctions. Do you hear someone in a talk show who comments on these kinds of statements by Knaus and points out that we are still capable of deciding how we want Europe to be driven into further chaos or not?
Anyway, look and listen to what Knaus had to say in an interview of 31.07.2018 broadcast by the German TV channel ZDF and the style of Knaus and his supporters. Everyone who is critical about the fortune flow, such as the Visegrád countries, Italy is put right in the extreme populist corner. The recipe is known.
See: https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/zdf-morgenmagazin/aufnahmezentren-spanien-100.html
Put them on boats and send them back!