Orbán’s chief security advisor: Intensity of migration diminished in 2016

Budapest, December 19 (MTI) – The intensity of migration into Europe diminished in 2016 compared with the previous year, while in Hungary the recruitment of so-called border-hunters is gathering pace, the prime minister’s chief security advisor told a news conference on Monday.
György Bakondi identified the closure of the Balkans migrant route, the agreement between the European Union and Turkey and “defence measures taken by nation states” as the primary reasons for the slowdown in migration into Europe.
He insisted that policy measures initiated and introduced by Hungary were becoming more and more accepted in the EU. Among these, he mentioned stricter border controls and the implementation of “technical blockades”.
Bakondi noted that by July 5, fully 17,800 illegal migrant had arrived in the country, and since that date the entry of 9,700 has been blocked. This year, 29,200 requests for asylum were processed. Of these, 427 were granted and 4,360 rejected. Taking together requests from previous years, nearly 49,000 procedures have been aborted, he said.
Photo: MTI
Source: MTI