Hungarians die because of the ruined healthcare system

Three out of four patients could survive provided that they receive proper treatment in time. However, they have little chances in Hungary – stated presenters of a forum about the Hungarian healthcare system. According to, many healthcare organisations urge immediate measures because of the long waiting lists, the lack of money and the exodus of doctors.
Not enough money, escaping doctors, unfilled practices
As we already reported, the Hungarian health system struggles with many problems. Even though the government’s communication emphasises that it is getting better, the general experience of the patients is the opposite. For example, waiting lists are long, the debts of the hospitals are gigantic, and according to an official report leaked in 2016
two-third of the hospitals should be closed because of outdated medical technology, financial shortage and the lack of qualified doctors.
Some health care organizations rated the health care program of the different political parties. They agreed that the core problem is the deficiencies of the primary health services.
“There are 35 unfilled practices in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén,
a county which is struggling with multiple disadvantages.” – said Judit Szegedi, founding member of the Alliance for Innovative Primary Care.
Gyula Gilly health economist added that the future of the sector is uncertain and expects immediate help from the decision makers. According to his estimates,
the Hungarian health care system needs at least 5-600 billion HUF (EUR 1.93 billion) ASAP.
Health care depends on political decision
Gilly cleared that the state should spend on education and health care enough money because these provide the basis for people’s self-respect and shameless life. According to him, this is possible taking into consideration the state of the Hungarian economy and it is only a question of political priorities.
The president of another health care organization listed for long the changes that could make the life of doctors and patients easier. According to him, one of the most important tasks is to reduce bureaucracy by at least 40%.
According to a former health care insurance department leader,
Jobbik, LMP and Dialogue use the most in their program the advices of the professionals.
In fact, life expectancy in Hungary is one of the lowest among the EU-member countries. To make matters worse, differences are considerable between the different parts of the country. For example, in the poorer regions people live 13 years shorter than in the wealthier ones.
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